Actually, at some point of my life (mid 20s, had some health issues, a lot of medications, including hormone therapy. Please continue your sunscreen forever! My two cents: Everyone is different. But the reality is that its not even that effective. And I have been using moisturizer pretty much all my life, so I don't even know what my skin is at its "baseline". Men come into my office all the time and show me their dry legs and ask me if they should moisturize, Slotnicki said. Lips are the ones that become the most dry and even simple things like eating or yawning will hurt if you're not slathering lip mask on the lips and esssspecially the corners. They work very well :), Dont do that itll severely dry out your skin. He prescribed 0.025% Tretinoin and basically outlined a super simple routine for me, which seemed pretty standard and legit. Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi says that when cells recognize that an outside source has already hydrated the skin, there's no need for natural hydration to take place. Hope this is helpful. 2021-12-30T18:07:05Z A bookmark. Side Effects may include but not be limited to Dry skin, Peeling, Skin redness, Burning, Itching, Stinging sensation. No clue why your doc said that. I didnt use a moisturiser while i was using an acne facewash for 5 months, and i ended up with some sort of eczema & weird dry patches. my dermatologist said to basically use sunscreen like water while I was on accutane, and to stay indoors as much as I can. Considering this is a professional individual who earns a LOT of money dealing with these things and has dedicated his life to the subject of skin, shouldn't I trust him? I can see exactly what you're saying and a lot of posts on the internet agree with you, but I can't help but think that the person who is telling me the opposite has literally had a top class education in this field, studied everything and anything about skin and knows what he's talking about. They sold everyone that idea that you will dry and age. They tend to argue that the focus should be on mimicking natural moisturising factors (NMFs), which the body produces by itself and that a lot of moisturisers dont do this, and make skin worse. It really depends on the context of the advice. All I can tell you is that I was shocked. "My feeling is there is abuse of moisturizer," he says. Even recently I've been started to feel irritation and I'm even seeing redness, all of which I can only imagine are side effects of the bad weather, washing and acne gel. You should probably trust your doctor.However it is crucial that you apply sunscreen in the morning every day while you are on tretinoin. My skin is acne prone and very sensitive to many products, but I have never had a reaction to any product she uses. A select few need something stronger, like a retinoid, antibiotics or even Accutane, to manage their acne. I can never find a perfect moisturiser and they all tend to have something that bothers me. Amazing results Miraculous Results. Every single one. It's only in the day, when I'm waking up for work or something, where I feel the need to moisturise, but obviously, I was told not to. Im on so tret 20mg too and you need to moisturise. Gel moisturizer on top! HELPFUL TIPS: USE AT NIGHTTIME. Thanks for your feedback. I guess at the end of the day it wont kill me to try out this way for a while and see how my skin reacts. Breaking the cycle of moisturizer isnt without its withdrawal period, however. There are a few dermatologists that are fairly anti-moisturiser. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. During this time some providers don't necessarily recommend moisturizer. It helps decrease facial redness as well as . I used my finger and rubbed it in and after a couple days more spots appeared and I would cover that area. It may be a good idea (if you're questioning your Derm's advice) to experiment and see what your skin likes better. Related Topics Dermatology Health science Applied science Natural science . I went without moisturizer for practically months until I started to notice my scars weren't healing like normal because of the drying acne treatments I was using. She wrote me prescriptions for two topicals: a retinoid and a compounded cream for my melasma (a condition that causes dark patches on my face). Im on a very low isotret regime tbf, it's like 20mg a day. In fact, I cant decide whether cleanser or moisturizer is the more fundamental product, but if I were to whittle my multi-step routine down to the essentials, those would be the two left. !dermatologistsbefore the 5th one figured out what was wrong with me. BUY. When you put on something like an eye cream, youll get an immediate response, but after 15 minutes, it goes away.. A dermatologist told me to use a 2% ketoconazole shampoo in a daily manner for my dandruff (my skin is oily, not dry). One thing I've noticed though, is that all these brands tend to claim that they sell "non-comedogenic" moisturisers and it makes me wonder which ones actually are.. and if there is actually such thing as a moisturiser that doesn't block my pores. The main thing is, you should moisturise. These people can expect to be red - either mottled or diffused like a sunburn - for a few hours after a treatment. Aesthetic doctor David Jack seconded Kerr's stance, telling me, "The effects of moisturizer are usually pretty superficial and short-lived. For example, if an IPL is combined with a resurfacing laser treatment a thicker petroleum is often recommended for a couple of days before converting over to moisturizer. Obviously I don't know your individual skin and I also don't know how closely your derm looked at yours (so the rec might be absolutely right for you) or if they were stating it more as a general thing for every acne patient (which I don't agree with). The problem is, especially now in winter, my face, after a shower or just simply washing my face gets very tight and dry. "Moisturizer doesn't just add water back into your skin, it also traps in the water. I do use HA only on damp skin but once it is sucked up it feels so dry which is why I stopped using it at all at some point and just used the moisturizer. They have no adverse effects on the resolution of the "coffee grind" like pigmentation. Id never considered that idea until I started working for a doctor who carried the ZO skincare line. It sounds very weird to me, but maybe theres a good reason, He told me its potentially clogging for my case and that I should not use sunscreen or moisturizer because my skin is super oily and congested and those products will top up everything. A dermatologist told me to use a gentler cleanser and a moisturizer high in SPF. "Moisturizers in general weaken the skin's barrier function because they alter the natural . The problem is that moisture may be soaked up in walls and furniture or disperse rapidly, depending on how airtight your home is. I get pimples if I use moisturiser more than 2 days in. * Micellar water in the evenings to . I have the greatest respect for Dr. Obagi, I think hes a genius, and I dont disagree with him on some level, says New York City-based dermatologist Doris Day, M.D., a pro I frequently turn to for a balanced bottom-line perspective on all things skin. Yes, my skin is super oily and clogged, moisturizer and sun screen would block my pores even more, but he told me I can go back and use them after Accutane got rid of my acne. What's your problem? They can offer you stronger remedies when traditional OTC stuff no longer can keep up with breakouts. So, I dunno.. We're not doctor's here and you asked for opinions from people, not another doctor and"top class education" means nothing, because every person is different.I'm not saying your doctor isn't good, but I personally have received bad advice beforeandI've been to 4! $65 at SkinBetter. In fact, she says, this is a message dermatologists have been sending for years, its just that Obagi used different (more controversial) language. And I always ask if they feel itchy. Just my 2 cents, but I honestly think every skin - even every acne/acne prone skin - works a little differently in that regard. Some experts believe that it's not necessary to moisturize skin as the body is already equipped to do it on its own. For the moisturizing night cream, it is marketed at a price of 50 euros. To be fair, Dr. Obagi does happen to carry some hydrating products in his brand (though they also aim to calm as well as hydrate) and there are exceptions to the rule, he says, like when you're skiing in extreme temps or traveling on a moisture-sucking plane. Others might need more mosturiser, because their oily skin is their body's attempt to counteract aggressive tensides that strip away natural oils and the ensuing dryness might actually contribute to greater cornification. The letter F. . Is what my dermatologist told me appropriate or not? Interesting.. and where are you from and what acne fighting product did they prescribe you when they told you to moisturise? 3. Thank you very much for your input. Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in. If not, you are no worse for trying. In fact, I need a pea size for my chin, one for each cheek, one for nose and one for forehead to even feel like it's on. I'm leaning towards the epaderm sense it's more in there. Sunscreen, on the other hand, is generally always recommended. True story. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Time is definitely on your side with an esthetician. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. i was pretty much surprised being a sunscreen fan for a long time. $180 at It can be difficult to use a pea sized amount but I think the most important thing is to try to use the smallest amount you can get away with and usually the amount you need is smaller than you think. But, in the name of journalism, I just might give it a shot (and if it's anything like fellow beauty writer Daniela Morosini's experience, maybe it won't be so traumatic, after all). Some people swear by not washing their face, and for others that is unthinkable. I always go through phases where I want to try all the skincare, breakout, stop all products cold turkey for a few months, skin gets better, then repeat cycle. Dry face + Less acne (but still acne) vs Smooth, elastic face + more acne - I dunno what's worse haha.. I have had a few facial with Val now, and each time has been amazing. "Natural moisturizing factors are molecules that help the. Press J to jump to the feed. Alternate using salicylic acid and retinol at night. But your dermatologist did not tell you never to use sunscreenthey advised you not to use it for a fixed period (until your medication kicks in) and not to go into the sun in the meantime. He did tell me to manually avoid the Sun. :). Some patients react to almost any stimulus with a blush or red response. For many topicals work great, and for others approaching from diet or all-natural remedies work best for them. ", Daylight saving time 2023: Heres when you should set your clocks forward, Huge Jurassic-era bug found outside Arkansas Walmart in super-rare discovery, Blackouts hit large parts of Argentina after fire damages power line amid heat wave, Trudeau Foundation to return $200K donation over alleged link to China, Missing father of 3 found inside sharks stomach, IDed by tattoo, EpiPens dont work in space? A bit of moisturizer isnt a bad thing, but its the thought process of the beauty industry that says to moisturize all the time, she says. I battled acne for 24 years. This intense cream works to bring damaged cells to the surface and remove them while preventing the further development of abnormal cells. Plus it's a oil based. That would be my approach. On the other hand, this goes against all conventional wisdom I've ever heard so I'm very wary in stopping moisturizer lol. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Like with a serum or gel, don't pair it with retinol. According to Waldorf, surfactants don't distinguish between the excess oil or dirt in your skin and the necessary skin fats that you need. HA and no HA, toner and no toner, gentle cleanser and a cleanser for acne, nothing has ever changed anything. Is moisturizing really as critical as I've been told all my life? My dermatologist said when I experienced dryness or dehydration she recommended a moisturizer, wether I use prescriped products or not. If you're scheduling a professional treatment with an esthetician, such as a facial, your face-to-face time will usually be around 75-90 minutes. I've been on everything you can think of. Some people might do a lot better without moisturiser or only a very light fluid. Like those . "Your skin is the biggest organ in your body," she says. !dermatologistsbefore the 5th one figured out what was wrong with me. Other than that she said her recommended routine was simple: 1. cleanser 2. moisturizer 3. vitamin C serum and 4. a good sunscreen. Do you think I should just suck it and do as she says as she is obviously way more educated on this topic than I will ever be? Want to discuss? I went to the dermatologist, because I had mild acne, not severely bad, but not good either. Try using a more gentle cleanser if your cleanser is to harsh, use luke warm water instead of hot, limit the amount of time you wash your skin, use a humidifier if the air is really dry in your house, use the smallest amount of active ingredient acne fighting product you can get away with (a pea sized amount is often enough for your whole face). "In Hollywood, people are suffocated by plastic surgery, but striving for an impassive perfection isn't something I ever . Especially if you are using irritating acne products. and to be honest I would be scared as hell to go outdoors without sunscreen, it terrifies me. I would look for another one. But in the interest of potentially saving a few bucks not buying. ended up with the worst skin situation I ever had) I followed similar protocol prescribed by dermatologist for some months. I haven't been to a derm since high school. Now I cant ever go out again. I also can't say my skin is great, because I still get pimples, at the moment quite a few too. i was going for 7 years and my acne never improved. This night serum features antioxidants to help repair the skin overnight and protect it against environmental aggressors. Just basing on whatyou have posted, you seem to have the best skin suited for IPL treatments.Based on what you mentioned, I can only conclude that you possibly experienceda type of pigmentation called hypopigmentation. Even if you use a non-comedogenic moisturizer perfect for your skin, you may still get breakouts from internal issues and blame the poor 'ol innocent product (as I did). My friend with acne issue always consult me for her skincare problems but i asked her to consult a doctor, and the doctor suggest her not to use any sunscreens and moisturisers, giver her face wash to wash . She is using that face wash and her acne issues are subsiding. Try no moisturizer for a month, then use one every day for a month, or something like that. Very rashy and all over my face, and very bad blackheads on my nose. Plus, it can add some moisturization, too., READ MORE: Itchy and scratchy: Two new treatments may offer hope for eczema sufferers. Take warm, not hot, baths and showers. I did as requested. It sounds strange, but there are studies where long-term moisturising increased things like trans-epidermal water loss, and decreased barrier function. Always love learning something new! The Oculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology. 2. If your question pertains to personal queries, please post your routine/question in the appropriate weekly threads. i used to use retin a and moisturizer which made my skin very dry and red then quit because there wasnt much improvement, only rinsed my face with water and although it got pretty dry the oil production went DOWN. I started using Epiduo in the middle of May when my dermatologist prescribed it for me. I lean towards Korean brands like Beauty of Joseon. For years I have used this product line . He also said that Benzyl Peroxide, because of its drying nature and because it wasn't doing anything for me, wasn't my best option, and he put me on this treclin gel, which doesn't dry me out very much and I only have to apply before bed. Avoiding a moisturizer after Intense Pulsed Light treatments may be based on the concern that superficial areas which get deeply pigmented and peel off can become healed over if moisturizer is used after IPL. Dr Zein Obagi, who created ZO Skin Health, has the same theory about not using traditional moisturizers. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm still faithful in my dermatologist though, because he's spent many years of his life professionally studying this subject, and people on the internet are just people really. Dr. Brian Hibler, a dermatologist at the Schweiger Dermatology Group in NYC, volunteered to review Francis' skincare routine for Insider's Skin Clinic series. Look it up. We often are treating this in conjunction with a retinol that helps exfoliate the skin. Dr. Zein Obagi, a Beverly Hills-based dermatologist and founder of ZO Skin Health, says that using moisturizer could actually be detrimental to skin. A space for Indians to discuss their varied experiences with beauty, with a strong emphasis on science. I use very simple things on my skin.I haven't got time.I would always get facials and then come home laden with product, and pay a lot of money and never use it.Anyway, one day a dermatologist told me to use Cetaphil to clean my face and as a moisturizer, and that's what I day a dermatologist told me to use And my skin tends to run drier, so I imagine for oilier skin types there are merits to a simpler routine like this. Is Moisturiser Bad for Your Skin? * Garnier Ambre Solaire Light and Silky sunscreen in SPF 30 as a day cream. Some people might have no problem with moisturiser, but anything irritating might make their acne worse, even though acids help in theory (with exfoliating and therefore letting sebum moisturising your skin instead of getting trapped in comedones), but for some they apparently disrupt the skin barrier, which might weaken it for bacteria to enter. This is an antibiotic gel for me to use once every night. Hi, there! Share your questions, frustrations and triumphs! , I see, thank you for letting me know. every time i would get a cleaning i would walk out bleeding and have scarring. During this time some providers don't necessarily recommend moisturizer. $31 at . For more information, please see our No never heard that ur gonna want to use more. Stock up on that too. Upon returning to the bathroom, I immediately looked into the mirror. What is your routine then? There were also facials and other at the office treatments during this period. Did he give any reason behind it? Why would anyone do differently? It's a great barrier cream that would protect the skin after applying and helps soothe angry, inflamed skin." Pavitt Finish with a lightweight SPF: PCA Skin Sheer Tint Broad Spectrum SPF 45 $50 Shop Now Your skin will likely feel dry at first, but this doesnt last long. On the one hand, I sort of get it. In todays world where we cant control all the stressors and exposure and pollution, using hydrators and moisturizers makes sense, she continues. Rosehip oil, witch hazel toner, Neutrogena moisturizer, face wash, and sunscreen. I was just in shock because I can't imagine not being on SPF with Accutane. If I were you, I'd seek a second opinion. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cleansing, stimulation and protection (namely SPF), he says. The trouble is, he told me to wash my face every morning and night with lukewarm water and a simple soap and NEVERmoisturise. I like to think she knows what she is talking about since I have been there a few times already and she put me on Differin and tret and didnt tell me to not use Moisturiser at first but only after noticing my Acne isnt getting any better at all. My lips are bleeding as I type this coz theyre sooooo sore from being dry and I live in Mumbai so its not even cold. Sunstick is thankyou farmer!!! I guess he figured it was self-explanatory. April 1, 2022. row. Perhaps I'm looking for advice or just other people who have had a similar experience and what they think of it. It would be really silly to listen to that instead of listening to an an expert who has evaluated your skin and customized advice for you. Made with an optimal ratio of ceramides, natural cholesterol, and fatty acids, this cream counteracts the aging process and nourishes skin on contact. Sometimes dryer than other times. Now Im breaking out MADLY, probably from the antibiotics but also every moisturizer I use is just terrible. Hes a good doctor and Im sure its ok for my case specifically. Free Shipping at $35. ??? I never offended anybody or claimed that I wasn't here for people's opinions. I was just in shock because I cant imagine not being on SPF with Accutane. Is the condition linked to mental health? Skin care is a pretty big deal, and we love subs like /r/SkinCareAddiction, however we felt there needed to be a sub that deals specifically with skin that's over 30. Your skin may feel like its missing something or like it's stinging or burning, depending on how long you were using moisturizer. But the withdrawal, he claims, is worth it: When patients come back in about five weeks, they thank me. Side Effects may include but not be limited to Dry skin, Peeling, Skin redness, Burning, Itching, Stinging sensation. Im through with my moisturiser so Ive switched to neutrogena hydro boost sleeping mask / LOral revitalift HA filler night cream. It litterally stops your sebum glands from producing oil. "The use of Vaseline as a nighttime moisturizer may have gained in popularity and been given a new name, but it isn't new," says New York dermatologist Heidi Waldorf, MD. My cleansing and moisturizing don't need to change. If dermatologist did not advise you on an alternative I would change dermatologist. If they say no, I tell them they dont have to.. The key is just to not get into a daily habit and only use it when needed. From what I recall you are incredibly photosensitive while on Accutane and sunscreen is essential. Thats not about moisturizing, Skotnicki says. And what I have learned is that everyone's skin is different and reacts differently to treatment. Shop. The order of. However, now that I've had two kids, I've had to majorly change my skincare routine to accommodate for my needs during pregnancy and while nursing. So yeah, a lot of what I know I've picked up either on here or personal experience. The sunscreen gives the added benefit of helping to prevent those nasty brown spots from reoccurring. His skepticism of moisturizers is almost at conspiracy level. Ive been advised that acne prone or oily skin should only be treated with Gel moisturizer, never cream and definitely Not before any retinoids because the moisturizer creates a barrier the retinoids cant get through. I'm usually one to push "listen to your derm" but I'll have to respectfully disagree with him/her on this one. Photo: Canela Lpez/Insider I can keep my cleanser because it doesn't leave my skin feeling tight I encourage you to adopt her less is more routine and hopefully youll see some great results! First, I would try to look at your current routine and make any changes you can to keep your skin from getting to dry to begin with. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Amazon. ; My face wash . 4. I get flakey tight skin, sometimes it hurts in an irritating kind of way (when I touch it), but generally, it's just dryness. You didnt actually disclose the advice in full in your first post, Thats besides the point, I cant use sunscreen during my acne period and on Accutane which from my knowledge, is when skin is the most vulnerable. People get the idea of protecting skin from UV exposure, but pollution is actually skins biggest ager because it oxidizes, so its best to use a product with a physical aspect, like titanium dioxide or zinc, which provides protection from UV rays and pollution. 'Ve been on everything you can think of contact a my dermatologist told me not to use moisturizer professional or dial 911.... 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