They are men of great learning, whom we call Initiates, and still greater holiness of life. The Council of Lights headquarters is said to be etherically located in the Himalayas, and every Ascended Master who directs a ray of light also has their etheric retreat or ashram in a different place around the world. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (divine plan). In contrast, Mahatma M. said: "We are leaders but not child-nurses."[69]. WebThe meaning of Ascended Masters is to become God-like, deepen their level of wisdom to reach a higher level, and help people. These pour out constantly, into the 'Infinite Sea of Pure Electronic Light.' However, the Mahatma K.H. As we do, we realize that the first person we must master is our selfby learning and applying the ascended masters specific equations for self-mastery. In it, the messianic Maitreya is linked to both Buddhist and Hindu religious traditions. Besides assisting humans in accomplishing this goal, their earthly mission is to serve as teachers of the human race. [13], After Blavatsky's death in 1891, the concept of the Mahatmas was developed by her successors in the Theosophical Society leadership, Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater, who described them in great detail and added Master Jesus and Maitreya. There were two ways: Nightmare could either create his dream minions, or subjugate them. [citation needed], In Ascended Master teachings there is also mention of Serapis Bey, a being who was incarnated as a high priest in one of the "Temples of the Sacred Fire" on Atlantis, and who migrated to Egypt at the time of the destruction of Atlantis. Learn about this vast brotherhood of light, One of these Ascended Masters, called a Chohan [24], According to Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme there are sixty Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, defined as beings who have reached the Fifth Level of Initiation or above, with Djwal Khul claimed as the (telepathic) source of many esoteric teachings in Baileys' books. WebHOW TO BECOME AN ASCENDED MASTER NOW I had the pleasure of meeting Amorah Quan Yin during my stay in Shasta. [34] It is believed that all of these put aside any differences they might have had in their Earthly careers, and unite instead to advance the spiritual well-being of humanity.[77]. Endeavoring to contact the Presence, the individual would find these 'tramp' thoughts and feelings flowing through that line of contact until more and more imperfect was the conscious use of them. However, if you have always wondered who the Ascended Masters are, then this guide is for you. WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters. 4 ebook; Hardcover Editions of My Books All 6 of Them wrote: "We are not infallible, all-foreseeing 'Mahatmas' at every hour of the day. Theosophical texts posit that the purpose of this Office is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge about the true constitution and workings of Existence, thereby helping humanity in progression on a cyclical, but ever progressive, evolutionary path. Ascended Master is based on the theosophical concept of the Mahatma or Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. The Aquarian Christine Church Universal, Inc. (ACCU) is a denomination founded in 2006 based on The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ said to be transcribed from the Akashic Records by Levi H. Dowling. Adherents believe that Saint Germain explained the following through Guy Ballard: "The 'Almighty God Flame,' breathing within Itself, projects Two Rays into the 'Great Sea of Pure Electronic Light.' I have it with me ever since. [80], Also see the article Talking to the Dead and Other Amusements by Paul Zweig, New York Times October 5, 1980, which speculates that Madame Blavatsky's revelations were fraudulent. It is all you Theosophists who have dragged down in your minds the ideals of our Masters; you who have unconsciously and with the best of intentions and full sincerity of good purpose, desecrated Them, by thinking for one moment, and believing that They would trouble Themselves with your business matters, sons to be born, daughters to be married, houses to be built,[67], This kind of interest is a very marked feature of the Ascended Masters. An Ascended Master is someone who has mastered the lessons from the Earth school, escaped the wheel of reincarnation, and evolved into higher realms. This Tuesday, we continue our exploration of Steven Coveys famous 7 habits as seen through the lens of the ascended masters teachings. These Two Words are the Acknowledgment and Release of the Power to Create and bring forth into outer existence, whatever quality follows That Acknowledgment. Proponents of the Ascended Masters sometimes attempt to account for these discrepancies by claiming that when the Theosophical Society (TS) was founded most of the Theosophical Mahatmas were still "unascended Masters". "Matter planes" refers to the differentiations of atomic and molecular structure in which evolution takes place, the lower planes (dimensions / wavelength frequency resonance) sometimes correlated with physical solids, liquids, and gases; the higher subplanes of the Physical Octave are sometimes referred to as "etheric" and are not normally perceivable by the physical senses. Blavatsky wrote that "Occultism is not . Who Is Archangel Raphael, The Divine Healer. With my wife Maria, and within our Mystery School training, we work closely with these light beings who usually lead the sacred initiations we share with our lovely community. That means they can help an infinite number of people since their energies are omnipresent. By practicing core principles espoused by the ascended masters: responsibility, accountability, proactivity, visualization, discipline, balanced self-renewal, [41], It is believed by Ascended Master Teachings organizations that the Master Jesus was "Chohan of the Sixth Ray" until December 31, 1959, when, according to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lady Master Nada fully took on that Office in the Spiritual Hierarchy. refers to the idea disparagingly in one of his letters to Sinnett: There was but one hysterical woman alleged to have been present at the pretended ascension, and the phenomenon has never been corroborated by repetition.[59]. The Individualized Flame sends down into each Ray a Focal Point, or Spark, forming a Heart Center upon which gathers the 'Electronic Light Substance,' creating the Electronic Body."[4]. [76] Examples of those believed to be Ascended Masters by these organizations are: Jesus, Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, Confucius, Lord Lanto (Confucius' historical mentor), Mary (mother of Jesus), Lady Master Nada, Enoch, Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, and Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi), to name but a few. WebBEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND is habit number two from Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Todays topic is who are the ascended masters? [3], Adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings hold that this belief was partially released by the Theosophical Society beginning in 1875, by C.W. Use of the "Violet Flame of Divine Love" is considered to be the 7th Ray aspect of the Holy Spirit and the "Sacred Fire" that transmutes and consumes the "cause, effect, record, and memory" of sin or negative karma. Some of the Ascended Masters may even be students from greater cosmic beings in the spiritual hierarchy, with a higher level of consciousness, to continue their spiritual growth in the celestial realms. They moved forward in the spiritual evolution [61], In their letters, the Mahatmas constantly talk about the "immutable laws" of the universe, and that they can help humanity only within the limits of these laws. [citation needed], According to Alice Bailey, the Master Jesus was previously incarnated as Joshua, the Hebrew military leader in the 13th century BC, and Joshua the High Priest in the sixth century BC. Maria & Frederic Hoffmann 2023 |All Rights Reserved. [16], A characteristic of students of the Ascended Master Teachings is the use of God's Creative Name - "I AM" - in the use of Decrees, Fiats, Adorations, and Affirmations to invoke and send forth the Light of God to Bless Life, to bring forth the Perfect Divine solution for every situation, and to fulfill the Divine Plan. The Master Manifestor has been painstakingly gathered over 7 years, and compiled from hundreds of channeling sessions with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my own spirit guides! The latter is the process of moving away from the rebirth cycle and ultimately returning to oneness with God, spirit, or Source Energy. The Theosophical Maitreya has been assimilated or appropriated by a variety of quasi-theosophical and non-theosophical New Age and Esoteric groups and movements. The term "ascended master" was first used by Baird T. Spalding in 1924 in his series of books, Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East (DeVorss and Co.). [51], According to the post-1900 publications of Theosophy (specifically, the writings of Charles W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, and Benjamin Creme, as well as the Ascended Master Teachings of Guy Ballard, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Geraldine Innocente, Joshua David Stone, and other Ascended Master Teachings teachers), Sanat Kumara[52][53] is an "advanced being" of the Ninth Initiation (the highest Initiation possible on planet Earth) who is regarded as the Lord or Regent of Earth and of humanity, and the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth who dwells in Shamballah, a city said by Theosophists and those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings to be a floating city on the etheric plane above the Gobi Desert. Spiritually enlightened beings in Theosophy and New Age movements. However, they differ in important aspects, and developed differently. According to these teachings, they remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity and act to inspire and motivate its spiritual growth. An Ascended Master may have walked upon Earth as a great healer, a monk, a teacher, a prophet, or a mystic, and may come from any culture or religion, from ancient Eastern divinities to new age Masters. [citation needed], They added more than 200 new "Ascended Masters" that they claimed to receive dictations from in addition to receiving dictations from the original Masters of the Ancient Wisdom of Theosophy.[58]. According to these teachings, they remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity, and act to inspire and motivate its spiritual growth. (2006). [16], "In your beloved America, in the not so far distant future, will come forth a similar recognition of the Real Inner Self, and this her people will express in high attainment. To make our ascension, we must become God-like. These extraordinary beings, after their ascension, enter a new world of cosmic existence with new and different rules to master and choose how they want to serve the world in their new role, as some may wish to continue to serve humanity. [16], "To understand the above explanation concerning the electron and the conscious control the individual has through his thought and feeling to govern the atomic structure of his own body is to understand the One Principle Governing form throughout Infinity. Many spiritual beliefs hold that humans go through reincarnation (the rebirth of a soul in another form) at the end of their lives, at which point they begin to pay their karmic debts. In the book Guenon speculated that Blavatsky had acquired all her knowledge naturally from other books not from any supernatural masters. WebThese are qualities of mastery we all hope to develop. Learn to Channel Master Course Ascended Masters, ETs, Archangels, Faeries & More; Learn to Channel From the Beings & Collectives Daniel Scranton Channels; Books. Ascended masters in the Ascended Master Teachings of a number of movements in the theosophical tradition[1] are held to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations. WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters Free Download Reiki Of The 13. The Ascended Masters Teachings teach ways to attract material or emotional possessions to a person's life, and also how to dissolve unpleasant karma, a conception that the Theosophical Mahatmas emphatically opposed. It is believed to be a way of externalizing more Divine Light, Divine Love, and Divine Life into the lower planes of creation through the dynamic force of sound vibration as creative energy. Each Ray has all the Attributes of the Godhead within It, and no imperfection can ever enter into or register upon It. . WebThese are qualities of mastery we all hope to develop. It is our unique and immortal True Identity, yet always sharing in the Allness of the ONE GOD. 'He came forth to reveal the Conscious Dominion and Mastery that it is possible for every human being to attain and express while still here on Earth. by asking questions and receiving answers in a process called the Torus technique. It is believed that since the "fall of man" during the time of the incarnation of the Fourth Root Race, imperfection, limitations and discord increasingly entered into our world. wrote: "Bear in mind that the slightest cause produced, however unconsciously, and with whatever motive, cannot be unmade, or its effects crossed in their progressby millions of gods, demons, and men combined. This Intelligent Light-substance becomes the clothing, as it were, for these Rays of the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' Reincarnation is the philosophical belief that the non-tangible essence of a living being, which could be your soul, mind, or consciousness, begins life afresh in a different physical form after death to deal with karma built-up from a previous life. What Is An Ascended Master? These Mahatmas, she claimed, were physical beings living in the Himalayas, usually understood as Tibet: they are living men, born as we are born, and doomed to die like every mortal. agreed with this when he wrote: "Wethe criticized and misunderstood Brotherswe seek to bring men to sacrifice their personalitya passing flashfor the welfare of the whole humanity. As our elder brothers and sisters, the Spiritual beings ascend after paying all karmic debt, also described as attaining self-mastery. [73], The Masters are collectively called the "Great White Brotherhood" by various theosophists and esotericists. Most of us have heard of the legendary 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989. Attaining this mastery level comes at the cost of great personal sacrifice after spending many reincarnations making positive life choices. They are believed to have attained their ascension by acquiring the necessary wisdom and mastery to become immortal and break free from reincarnation and the karmic debt cycle. This concept was developed by both C.W. Let us know your best email to be the first to know when we reopen applications for the program. The first six initiations were named by Charles W. Leadbeater and Alice Bailey after the six most important events in the life of Jesus[citation needed], The Ascension is believed to be the returning to complete "Oneness with God" - "raising the outer atomic structure of the physical, emotional, and mental bodies into the Electronic Structure of the I AM Consciousness", becoming an Ascended Master, eventually a Cosmic Being, and beyond. Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. and K. H. in Chronological Sequence, p. 222. Mahatma K.H. The use of the term "white" refers to their advanced spirituality (in other words, that they have a white colored Physical embodiment gives each individual the opportunity to expand these attributes and faculties through matter substance, and to become a "master of energy" through thought and feeling. Often, they were once great healers, teachers, prophets, or individuals who set an example for others by living a noble or righteous life. Now that he was an Ascended, the capacity of his cores increased tremendously, so there were a lot of options. WebAriel Feminine Archangel. Luk (pen-name of Alice Beulah Schutz) (April 10, 1905 - Jan. 14, 1994), the Saint Germain Series published by the Saint Germain Press (The Saint Germain Foundation), and especially from "The Lost Years of Jesus" compiled by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and published by The Summit Lighthouse. Then you, the 'Individualized Focus' of the 'Mighty I AM Presence,' begin your Dynamic Expression of Life. All Life contains Will but only Self-Conscious Life is free to determine upon its own course of expression. Germain. There are real ascended masters and since the dark cannot create, they copied what is real and twisted it. They truly do have information that will support, guide, and assist in the quickening of ascension for the Earth and humanity. The more informed we are, the quicker we can learn how to shift out of this reality. [42][43] This belief is not accepted by adherents of traditional Theosophy and the followers of Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme - they believe that the Master Jesus is still the Chohan of the Sixth Ray and that Maitreya is still the World Teacher. In Leadbeater's book, The Masters and the Path (1925), the Masters are presented as human beings full of wisdom and compassion, albeit still limited by human bodies, which they choose to retain in order to keep in touch with humanity and help in its evolution. As the term clearly states, an Ascended Master is a human being that has ascended from life on Earth to a higher spiritual plane, having mastered the rules of the physical plane and transmuted a significant part of their negative karma. An Intelligence is Omnipresent, and It is within the Electronic Light."[4]. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Attributes of the Ascended Masters are, the 'Individualized Focus ' of the race. Differ in important aspects, and help people of this reality messianic Maitreya is linked to both and... Of this reality as attaining self-mastery all hope to develop within the Electronic Light. `` [ 4 ] Focus... Habits of Highly Effective people as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989 Maitreya has been assimilated or appropriated a! 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