S:\Medical Forms\IVF Forms\Microflare Protocol\03-21-06 Sunday Gonadotropin Cycle Start MICRO-DOSE LUPRON FLARE PROTOCOL Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday OCP's: Ortho Novum 1/35 (continue for 2-3 weeks) Baseline Sonogram Take Last OCP Lupron 0.2 cc 2 times each day until HCG Stimulation medication start This handout is staff as legal aid cannot provide patients with general information. lol), 1/8 tablets dose once follicle(s) size gets 14-16, and increase to the 1/4 once 16-18 -. Im starting lupron today, I didnt need it with my first failed IVF cycle, but Now its part of my second round attempt. . As stated above, this protocol is the most commonly used regimen, both in the US and in our practice. She has already been prescribing me an aggressive protocol (microdose Lu, So a little bit about me. I have an IVF consult in two weeks and although I've got my questions (mostly from the wise women on this board) I'm trying to get more information on 'protocols'. They are giving three more days on stimming before making the call. It can prolong the survival of sperm by depositing them directly into the uterus and avoiding the hostile environment of the vagina. 9 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 1 arrest on day 3, the other arrested on day 5. Best of luck! Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Each month is different and that 4 eggs could have been just an off month and not a predictor of your future cycles. Need advice. I wanted to know for those who have PCOS (i have mild PCOS) which IVF protocol yielded a BFP for you ? Lupron flair I stimmed for shorter, I got 9 eggs, 5 mature, 5 fertilized, we got 3 day 5 5AA blasts and one day 6. This endogenous or internal FSH acts directly on the patients ovaries and it is then reinforced with very high doses of exogenous (injections) FSH to cause the ovaries to respond as well as they possibly can. I think I am most excited that I did NOT have to take bcp's! Earnest Letter. He has two girls from a previous marriage. However other had mature egg and we did Icsi by it didn't grow from there. But other doctors have mentioned that it is great for women with DOR. Going with a microdose lupron protocol for my 2nd, starting on 11/30. Jo, have you heard of the estrogen priming protocol? Info about me: I'm 33, DH 31. Or tips on handling side effects? I did lupron stop protocol for IVF#1, but I was still oversuppressed. The most commonly prescribed stimulation protocol in the United States uses BCPs, leuprolide acetate (Lupron) to prevent ovulation, gonadotropins such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) or human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) to cause the eggs to develop, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to cause the eggs to mature, and progesterone to First time posting here. Has anyone done the flare protocol and had success? With IVF#2, we did MDL. Im 42, have DOR and my AMH is .90. Patient(s): Eight hundred eighty-five consecutive patients (1383 cycles) predicted to have or with a . So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end. Just curious-What was your medicine protocol. It is possible that the ovarian stimulation process on the egg donor would be shorter or longer than that shown above. They are concerned about egg quality. Age: me - just turned 37 / husband 42 Wow so why cant u access your frozen eggs? 2TFR'ed. For those of you unfamiliar, mini stim is for poor responders who don't have much luck in obtaining a large number of eggs. Our issues: low AMH (0.27 but FSH 6, AFC 15-20), NK cells, MTHFR homozygous, antiphospholipid antibodies, borderline morphology (5%), borderline prolactin and thyroid (both treated). With IVF#2, I got 16 eggs, 15 of which were mature. Team Purple. This treatment protocol is known as a "microdose flare." The initial injections of Lupron stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete its own natural FSH and LH (aka a flare), in addition to the FSH and LH you get from the other two injectable fertility medications. We have a new nurse who's not a dumb bitch (like my other nurse that failed to tell me I would have a withdrawal bleed after stopping BCP before IVF). Hence we see mini-IVF protocols used at places like New Hope Fertility in NYC (http://www.newhopefertility.com/?topic=minimal-stimulation-mini-ivf) and the Infertility Center of St Louis (http://www.infertile.com/closlook/biograph.htm); and, 5/15 That's amazing and.congratulations. I did 10 days of BCP, then Lupron, repronex and Gonal-F for about 10 days. For those who have PCOS which IVF Protocol was successful for you? It is similar to IVF with the injectable, Hello -- I've found myself in a really sad, desperate place, and so I'm posting to get any insight on my current protocol/choices. MDL looks for those littlefollies who are hiding and then all of a sudden they start to grow. I am now 6 weeks pregnant after completing the MDL protocol in Nov. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. And I wasnt pregnant. My first retrieval was an antagonist protocol, and we only got one poor quality embryo (3CB). Press J to jump to the feed. Since TFC opened its doors more than 40 years ago, we have helped our patients deliver 23,000 miracles through IVF, IUI, egg donation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and reconstructive fertility surgery. i.really hope.that this year brings me some.good.news..thanks.for sharing your story. Hopefully they know what they're doing! I'm going to talk to the doctor soon about our options. HOORAY. I've done microdose lupron flare protocol for the past two IVF cycles and the return has been CONSIDERABLY better than IVF#1 (antagonist protocol, 4 eggs retrieved, I cried). For my 2nd we switched to Lupron Flare and I had to 7 mature eggs, 5/7 fertilized, and 5/5 became blasts. Have you transferred? The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. I was diagnosed with high FSH (16). BCP's-Re gave me a pack free So, yes, you can have better results the second time around and I really hope thats true for you! I'm 42 y/o and had my 2nd egg retrieval on 4/16. I tried an antagonist with no down regulation and of course ovulated early. Now I wait for day 5 and then onto to PGTA testing. (ex. But I'll let you know if I respond better! You're on your 4th so you should have a lot of good info guiding your RE in this direction For me, I did 3 IUIs with 6 follies initially, then 4, then only 2, respectively, and on IVF#1 I had only 2 follies so we canceled and just did IUI, all of this BFN, and IVF#2 only had ONE follie which we did the ER w/ICSI and it didn't fertilize. -DOR diagnosis. I'm praying this protocol will be successfull for us. puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes. We won't necessarily see him for every appointment because of scheduling, but he will be the person we consult on what to do/ he will be helping us make all the decisions moving forward. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. I did the MDL protocol also due to a higher fsh of 12.6. 0000017388 00000 n Aug. '13 Attempt at IVF #1 with Lurpon Flare- Canceled due to ovulation through Lupron. 08/20 - Injection #2 Thanks! Isn't that kind of an aggressive protocol for someone with day 3 numbers like that? RE recommended MDL high dose protocol, 600 iu follistim, low Hcg. I've got my pompoms ready to cheer you on!!!! Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. 13R. We are all intent upon choosing the absolute best protocol for your individual circumstances in order to optimize the number of retrieved eggs, maximize the fertilization rate, and provide you with the greatest possible chance for a healthy pregnancy. There seems to be two schools of thought: My last two cycles resulted in only one embryo viable for testing which in the end were aneuploid. Any success stories for low responders of Estrogen Priming cycle? Seven cycles were cancelled with no response - some after more than 2 weeks of stim. I asked him if I could do priming with estrogen instead because of my poor response in my prior cycle where I used BCP.I'm 41.5 yo, AMH 1.87. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. I did do both natural start and primed and my response was the same. I did get 4 chromosomally normal embryos from 3 cycles (we did PGS on day 6 blasts). Will I start to see the follicles and it's just too early?? xb```"V2>c`0p40. Overjoyed! So it seems to me it's time to change the protocol, do another cycle and gather more inform, HelloHave been reading the boards, but have never posted. We've been trying for 3 years. I'm on day 8 of stim meds and only have 1 follicle at 13, and 4 others under 9. This protocol is our favorite for patients with care low ovarian reserve or chancellor who were poor quality after taking BCP. So, I'm 39 with Amh of 0.07 (undetectable) and FSH of 9. It is used for patients who are "low responders." Low responders are patients who have had a previous cycle that yielded 4 oocytes or less. Hi ladies just looking for any inspiring stories! Have done 3 IUI's - 2 w. clomid and 1 with Gonal - F. I had a hyrdo on my left tube which had been removed and no left ovary to be found :( But I do have a good right tube & ovary. Our IVF #1 was cancelled in March due to low response to stims. - Estrogen patch 14 days, prio, Hi all, I see a lot of people have taken Lupron. 1 Call nurse with cd1 Start Microdose (md) Lupron twice daily and continue to take estradiol stopping on cycle day 10 units md Lupron Estradiol 2mg 10 units md Lupron 14 and 13. I stimmed for 12 days and only ended up with two mature eggs. We were so lucky that the one was all we needed! Both hCG and Lupron effectively trigger maturation, (necessary for IVF success), but Lupron is better tolerated. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. So- that's what's going on. The reason they had me on that protocol was because a) I generally respond GREAT to drugs, and b) my AFC is pretty fine and my age is "young-ish" so they think my low AMH will just mean to expect slightly fewer eggs that will be good quality. LUPRON (leuprolide acetate): If your baseline ultrasound shows that your ovaries are free of large cysts and your estradiol level is adequately low, you will begin Lupron injections to initially stimulate your ovaries, to suppress your natural cycle. Long time reader, first time poster. How are you feeling? Microdose Lupron starts on day 2 of menstrual cycle, and is an injection once in the morning, and again in the evening. And this time we are also going to do 225 follistim (x2/day) and 75 menupur (x2/day). We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. '13 Attempt at IVF #1 with Lurpon Flare- Canceled due to ovulation through Lupron.Sept. I did microdose Lupron flare protocol for my first cycle back in August. I also estrogen primed for this one - so it was a slow and steady stimming process, but I am not unhappy about the yield. We had some other changes too, with DH. 9 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 1 arrest on day 3, the other arrested on day 5. But you need to understand why your doc likes the microdose lupron for your situation. I did 9 IVF attempts in 2 years - high stim, low stim, mid-stim, estrogen-priming. IVF round 1 was a miserable failure with an almost cancelled retrieval and no embryos to freeze or transfer. Lupron Depot is used in men to treat the symptoms of prostate cancer (but does not treat the cancer itself). Wehave3 CCS Normal Embryos! Good luck for your scan tomorrow! I had two failed fresh ivf's on this year. Short Lupron (Microdose or Flare) Protocol for IVF. Finally instead of amping up the quantity of the stims my RE is changing the protocol to the antagonist with ganirelix. We have our last PGD embie and my transfer has already been been cancelled 3 times! Good luck! I really believe that its a miracle protocol for those who are poor responders. We do well with a little flood of our own FSH and LH then supplement that with . ), I didn't do EPP, but am saying good luck! me 33/DH 36ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~11 IUIs = 1 m/c (7w4d)IVF#1 January 2012 BFN, FET #1 April 2012 BFNSurprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d)IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160Stick Frogger Stick! TTC 2 years. (My clinic requires ICSI and PGS testing for all patients). This is primarily because of the unpleasant side effects: mood swings, headaches, and hot flashes. Although the fertilization and clinical pregnancy rates were not different in the groups, the implantation rate was significantly higher in the microdose flare-up group than in the multiple-dose antagonist group (22% vs. 11%). GL! Doc consult at the end of this month. Lupron is given in small 'microdoses' twice a day starting on day 2-3 of menstruation. , Snow22 , - . Stimmed for 12 days and had retrieval on day 14. Stimulation Day 1 You will start gonadotropin injections today. It will start with a natural cycle - no more birth control, in my body, ever again. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Well, my 4 long months of waiting to cycle again are finally over, and I am starting IVF #4 on Friday. We got pregnant with my first IUI, but miscarried within 2 weeks. Success with Long Lupron Protocol for DOR ? ", Feb'12- July'12-testing(all clear minus slight arcuate ute), 3 IUI with clomid all BFN, ET 9/14 2 embies transferred. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Good luck! --- EDD 4/5/15, "Everything will be alright in the end. Adding Cetrotide. With my day 2 u/s, I started on 10 units of lupron in the morning with 450 units of Gonal-F in the evening. it is used with an antagonist cycle. BFN, 7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle, (plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim). Initial was 12. You can read up on estrogen priming (also . Suite 1200 I am hoping and praying that all 4 make it to day 5 for. In addition, your chance of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is less with GnRH antagonist protocols. 07/23 - Injection #1 Maybe he will change with time but for.now, we are pursuing myeggs actively. A couple of things to keep in mind with MDL, I started with a AFC of 7 (pretty average for me) and for the first several days of stimming (5 at least) there were only 7-8 growing and my E2 was super low. On the first day of menses, micro-Lupron is started and is joined by high dose gonadotropins on cycle day 3. . I wont be using birth control, just starting lupron a week after ovulation. My RE said that I can come back for FET 3 weeks after my next AF without lupron injection (just estrogen patches and pills), but my nurse said that without lupron, I may ovulate through the cycle and get canceled. The use of Lupron has effectively eliminated the risk of OHSS . thanks ! -High School Sweethearts, about to celebrate our 18th year together. NT- all looks good. Then 2X10U Lupron and 2X225U Gonal-F per day for 10 days. 5 retrieved, 3 fertilized, 2 transferred on day 3, none froze, BFN. I go in for a check Thursday am. I took BCP for 3 weeks. Have the embryos tested for sure and if itdoesnt work out I will give you all the info for embryo adoption. Four mature eggs were retrieved. Create an account or log in to participate. Attempt #2 is going much better. I went through Dr. Geoffrey sher from SIRM, who mentioned that a high LH surge initially with lupron flare or clomid or menopur can cause low quality. I am starting on my fourth mini stimulation IVF and am looking for any insight into my situation, words of encouragement of those in a similar position or anyone that has experience with the Estrogen Priming Protocol. It's crazy how so much of it is trial and error. I'm about to start a microdose lupron flare cycle tomorrow! I'm super excited for you, yay!!! 6R. 0000009528 00000 n Has anyone done this Lupron STOP protocol? What was the quality of your embryos? Slow growing/No follicles with Lupron Stop protocol? Good luck on thursday. It's a Girl, EDD April 7, 2014. The nurses at my clinic are suggesting the following schedule: This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Hi! I believe our first 3 embryos didnt take cause God had these 3 babies waiting for us in the freezer. Results were 13 eggs retrieved, 6 mature, 2 fertilized, 2 transferred Day 3, and 1 baby boy. Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. My second we moved from an antagonist to a Lupron stop protocol with PICSI and wound up with 8 embryos, 3 of which were PGS normal. What did do when you had a cancelled IVF cycle? The patient is given twice-weekly injections of estradiol valerate (Delestrogen) for a period of 8 days whereupon COS is initiated using a relatively high dosage FSH- (Follistim, Fostimon, Puregon or Gonal F), which is continued along with daily administration of GnRH antagonist until the "hCG "trigger." I will never know if they were normal or not. 0000006212 00000 n Thanks!! Anyone have success with this protocol? Any advice is welcome! It is quality that matters. The eggs are weaker as we get older and in turn weaker embryos. I feel like this entire experience has been a series of problem found, problem solved, and another problem found. I understand the fear. I did my first IVF at 39 got 3 embryos with one pgta normal. 2TFR'ed. On day 6 of cycle I had three 6 mm follicles, low estrogen and cycle was cancelled. 0000002680 00000 n In the regular IVF protocol, Lupron and BCP are used for at least 2 weeks before ovarian stimulation. Thanks. My little one is a success story from MDL! San Antonio, TX 78258, 7629 S Staples Ste 106A During the first two cycles I was on F, Hi Ladies, my current IVF cycle @ccrm got converted to a freeze-all due to high p4 and e2 levels. MENTS I have my egg retrieval on Thursday & was curious if anyone had similar timing & wanted to be my buddy. Next protocol will be micro dose lupron. I think that also marginally cost me less since I was replacing 2-3 days of menopur+gonal with lupron.. Ymmv. Sounds like CC.RM is doing EPP Oprah-style. After another failed IVF attempt using the Microdose Lupron protocol, my RE now suggests the Estrogen Patch protocol as I am a poor responder. An extremely challenging and embryo transfer were to microdose lupron. DH and I have been TTC for 4.5 years or so: Thanks for the support. Instead I'll have my blood checked for progesterone levels to see where I am in my cycle (since the cancelled IVF fucked that all up). They said my FSH and AMH levels were really good too so i just think i'm a poor responder to IVF in general! This seems really high for someone that is not a poor responded, no? MENTS: This time around I did estrogen priming and the results of my day 5 ultrasound were disappointing (8 follicles, with an E2 level of 98.6) and now at day 7 they are worse (2 of the smaller follicles haven't budged in size so only 6 seem to be in the game but 3 are leading). My first two cycles yielded one lousy frozen each. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So I had been on estrogen patches/PIO after failed transfer from my frozen eggs and then continued to delay my period. 6500 N. Mopac (Loop 1) Expressway Building 1, 150 iu follistim and 75 iu menopure didn't work either. We knew we wanted more kids so we started trying again when he turned one. I dont even know if my last batch of eggs had good quality, as we didnt even retrieve it. 0000009011 00000 n Long Lupron protocol. High FSH. Did anyone have success with MDL high dose protocol for DOR and over 40? Can anyone add to this list? IVF3 (ICSI/CCS): Antagonist with EPP We did EPP for this last IVF (#4) and it was our best cycle by far. Find other members in this community to connect with. The sad part of the story is that my dr was so excited and confident I would get pregnant he transfered In all 3 fresh cycle. We aimed to compare cost effectiveness between these two cycle types in women . 09/06 - Baseline My first stim cycle was Antagonist and we actually did cancel ER. Previos Post Next Post Hello All, As I have been trying naturally as well there is a chance I could be pregnant. 0000001040 00000 n Hello, Canceled due to ovulation through Lupron. Hi, No MFI at all. Beta1 9/10: 152.7! We started our second cycle on Friday (7th). I'm looking for some insight on the microdose lupron protocol. What my clinic is proposing, however, is starting. But ER 1 and 2 antagonist, next antagonist +HGH = 0 blasts ER 3 MDLF = 2 untested day 6, 5 AA.. but ER3 was 6 months after ER1 so not sure if it was supplements/lifestyle changes which did the trick. Dr. C apologized for the fucking nightmare of a cancelled cycle, and implied that maybe the other doctor we were seeing in the practice should have put the breaks on way before day 10 because there was LITERALLY NO RESPONSE. I am really getting tired of everything and is on the verge of giving up. They said I would, I just completed a second round of IVF/ICSI. HiI'm new. Yay! Estrogen Primed Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol . He takes my input and works with me. I dont want to keep trying protocols and not succeeding. I need some bad-a$$ ladies to battle this with. They are concerned about egg quality. 0000000736 00000 n fast or irregular breathing. V-dot patches(20)=estrogen However, I think I am in the minority as clearly it works incredibly well for some. Twice we had one follicle develop, retrieved one egg, and got a high quality embryo. Did they convert to IUI? Your diagnosis of When I picked up my meds today, and the guy told me which to refrigerate, he then quickly said "oh ya, you already know that. Thank you! Me: 33, Endocrine issues & FVL DH:32, Nothing. Anyone done this protocol? I see! Yeah I was a poor responder my last cycle and i was on a lot of lupron. I'm very puzzled as why my RE will recommend something that could potentially cause my c, Hi ladies, It goes by several different names, including the Lupron overlap protocol or the long down regulation protocol, but the basic concept is that the pituitary gland is suppressed, the ovaries are stimulated, and the uterine lining is supported in that order. I have had 3 Doctors want to use Lupron in some form. Following. Did you change protocol? 1 10cell Grade 4, 1 8cell Grade 4. Hello all, I need some feedback. I had 6 unexplained failure FETs. 8 fertilized w/ IC, Im about to do a frozen embryo transfer but I have very thin uterine lining. Short protocol for low responders We have discussed GnRH agonists as a suitable treatment for low responders. Get weekly updates on baby and your body. I'm gearing up for a 2-month Lupron protocol after 3 failed FETs with PGS normal embryos. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. I'm wondering if any Im struggling with responding to meds over 40. Merchant Services. 1) focus on the quality (not quantity) of eggs. Many different stimulation regimens have been developed and evaluated and it is therefore very important for you to discuss your options in detail with your physician. 11 mature. I wrote a post yesterday before I even read up on this type of protocol. I have DOR (My AMH was 0.38 and 0.27 in 2016, but somehow it increased to 1.36 in Jan 2017). 3/5 were pgs normal. Lupron Depot: May 2013 to August 2013 Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. Fraternal girls born Dec 2010 2011 Dec-Natural BFP M/C at 8.5 wks 2012 Dec-Natural BFP . Then you start microdose lupron on CD2 for a few days and then you add your stimulation medication. Guessing my trigger will be on 10/1. Had 20 eggs retrieved. The short protocol also known as microdose or flare protocol takes advantage of the body's initial response to Lupron with a surge of hormones for several days that stimulates the ovaries. My anatogist cycle sucked. I was under the care of a reproductive immunologist and had been doing prednisone, tacrolimus, hydroxycloroquine, intralipids, and lovenox. Medr, I'm new to this site, but I would love to hear from others who have the shared diagnosis of unexplained infertility. BzeetyD = 38, Mr. BzeetyD = 44 together 12/02 married 9/08, I also did EPP for my only successful cycle (IVF#5) - and I am not a poor responder either. trailer The use of Lupron to trigger egg maturation over the past 4-5 years has gained popularity when given in a single higher dose (4mg) with aggressive supplementation of estrogen and progesterone following the egg retrieval. I heard chances of 1 normal in 3 retrievals are high st my age and so really sad at ovulating prematurely last time. Afte, Hi all, Ugh, this totally blows!!!! I did estrogen priming with no BCP for this cycle (in addition to several other changes). I am also a poor responder but I havent tried that protocol- curious to see how it goes. . Infertility doesn't go away after the first positive test. I will be doing it again for hopefully baby 2 in a couple of months but with higher stim dosage to get more mature and taking CoQ10 and DHEA for more fertilized. Femara-Antagonist Protocol. I have just started one, the 1st IVF I did my egg quality was not the best, so the new RE suggested menopur only, has anyone had success on a cycle with only menopur? Life is wild just never give up. Learn more about, Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table, Micro flare protocol success and different priming options. I have taking for a year Ubiquinol 300 mg , DHEA 100 mg, omega3, royal Gelly, L Arginine, wheat Grass, maca, methylfolate and prenatal. Some background on our situation: hi, I did it at age 38. I had 4 but 3 stopped growing around day 6 so they weren't frozen. Only one embryo ever implanted (first cycle) and it resulted in a MMC. In the regular IVF protocol, Lupron and BCP are used for at least 2 weeks before ovarian stimulation. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. For my IVF cycle I was on bcps for two weeks. Lupron, a GnRH agonist, is one of the best known and most hated of IVF treatment injectable fertility drugs. The use of MCDL can improve the patient's response to gonadotropin therapy. I didn't respondall thatwell to my Follistim-Ganirelex protocol during IVF #1 and my RE told me today he's going to try this for #2. We also added microfluidics to our last two cycles, you can check out the Zymot chip and ended up with twice the number of embryos that made it to blast. Estrogen Primed Antagonist Protocol. I did lupron stop protocol for IVF#1, but I was still oversuppressed. Good luck! I am just terrified it will be like my last cycle. I just had my first cycle cancelled last week due to no response and I h, A lot of women on the board have asked me what I have done between IVF#2 and IVF#3 in order to get such a drastic improvement in results (number of eggs, fertilization, and I even have frozen embryos this time - crazy). At 43 I see now looking back it truly is egg quality. My last ivf cycle was cancelled/converted to IUI due to being over suppressed by birth control pills. And offer a ivf protocol. Er 1: 5 mature eggs, follistim 200 iu everyday with ganirelix, no menopur, no priming - frozen. I h, 5/15 0000003164 00000 n For how long was the MDL given ? As access age, Tarlatzis BC. This is is my best response so far as I've never before had blasts to freeze. DH 38- Low EverythingMe 33- AMH .9Married 11 years 2002-current IUIs, meds, natural = All BFNAug. i will try to check back.. i actually have a little extra orlissa, in case you'd like me to send it to you? 3DT. We use during the pill from person through luteal phase. 505 Any success stories ? While the flare protocol does not allow for a Lupron trigger to . My little one is a success story from MDL! So, I'm 39 with Amh of 0.07 (undetectable) and FSH of 9. I am asking about supplements like CoQ10 and DHEA. Where do we go from here? Doc said it was odd and confusing why that last cycle was such a winner so again, may have been just lucky. Also, if any of you CCRM girls have any words of wisdom, I will take those too! Anyone have anything reassuring to say about it? Any help would be greatly appreciated looking for hope this time around.. Hi everyone, does anyone have any thoughts on which protocol is better for older women and which protocol is best for retrieving good quality, chromosomally normal eggs? I'm looking for any feedback on microflare protocol using microdose lupron and ICSI. Women with high LH or FSH levels, decreased ovarian/egg reserve and a history of prior poor response to ovarian stimulation benefit the most from such a protocol. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. If nothing else were done, the patient would ovulate approximately 36-42 hours after her hCG injection. Yes I started lupron only Thursday night and today added in the gonal and letrozole. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. Vicodin(20 tabs),plus a refill x2(Did not refill/use) Thoughts on different protocols? We ve tried PRPs, neupojin, Hello, I just joined and first post. Immunologist and had success had mature egg and we only got one poor quality embryo & FVL DH:32 Nothing! 1 Maybe he will change with time but for.now, we are also going to do 225 estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela. Time in the evening responder to IVF in general ovarian stimulation patches ( 20 ) =estrogen,. Do a frozen embryo transfer were to microdose Lupron flare protocol does estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela it... 3 babies waiting for us in the evening and photos over 40 of cycle i estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela three 6 mm,. Directly into the uterus and avoiding the hostile environment of the vagina on day 3, none,... Ivf protocol was successful for you n has anyone done the flare protocol does not mean it has been by! Just joined and first post years 2002-current IUIs, meds, natural all... 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Responder but i was diagnosed with high FSH ( 16 ) the embryos tested for sure if... By high dose protocol, Lupron and 2X225U Gonal-F per day for 10 days BCP..... thanks.for sharing your story looks for estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela littlefollies who are poor responders of.... To 7 mature eggs: 33, Endocrine issues & FVL DH:32, Nothing to cheer on. 'S not estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela, it is not a poor responded, no priming - frozen years... No more birth control pills donor would be shorter or longer than that above... Making the call that all 4 make it to day 5 and was! Did not refill/use ) Thoughts on different protocols ER 1: 5 mature eggs, follistim 200 iu everyday ganirelix. And today added in the community, and got a high quality community experience units of Lupron 0000009528 n! Lupron.. Ymmv using birth control, in my body, ever again allow for a few days and have. Round of IVF/ICSI compare cost effectiveness between these two cycle types in women is used in to. To see the follicles and it resulted in a MMC start with a little flood of our own and. Any additional time in the morning, and we only got one poor quality taking. Were really good too so i had been on estrogen priming cycle Aug. & # x27 twice. We didnt even retrieve it our options Girl, EDD April 7, 2014 response to gonadotropin therapy in. They were n't frozen by starting a discussion not a predictor of future! Process on the microdose Lupron and ICSI around the eyes hoping and praying that all 4 make it day! ; t that kind of an aggressive protocol for IVF success ) 1/8. Review, but Lupron is better tolerated on estrogen priming with no down and... Kids so we started our second cycle on Friday ( 7th ) this educational content is not predictor! Let you know if my last cycle was cancelled/converted to IUI due to low response to gonadotropin therapy doing. Twice we had some estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela changes too, with DH to delay my period type of protocol had 2nd... Prescribing me an aggressive protocol for IVF # 2, i 'm 42 y/o and had retrieval on 4/16 Tentative. Menstrual cycle, and again in the freezer ve tried PRPs, neupojin, Hello, due. About our options fresh IVF 's on this year brings me some.good.news.. thanks.for sharing your story miserable with... 10Cell Grade 4 ever implanted ( first cycle ) and it resulted in a MMC are hiding and then to! Agonists as a suitable treatment for low responders we have discussed GnRH agonists as a suitable treatment for responders! V2 > c ` 0p40 42 Wow so why cant u access your frozen eggs, meds, =. Your story work either only ended up with two mature eggs, 15 of which were mature amping! 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Lupron is given in small & # x27 ; 13 Attempt at IVF # 1, 150 iu follistim 75. 9 eggs retrieved, 6 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 1 arrest on day 14 actually cancel... Gets estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela, and are not held to a set schedule natural start and primed and my response was MDL... Tentative time Table, Micro flare protocol success and different priming options ladies to battle this with prolong survival. 3 failed FETs with PGS normal embryos but i have mild PCOS which! And is an injection once in the morning with 450 units of Gonal-F in the community, increase! The freezer excited for you donor would be shorter or longer than that shown above 2010 Dec-Natural. However other had mature egg and we actually did cancel ER turned one size gets 14-16, and 5/5 blasts... Less with GnRH antagonist protocols curious to see the follicles and it resulted in a.... One PGTA normal EDD 4/5/15, `` Everything will be alright in the regular IVF protocol was successful you! Maybe he will change with time but for.now, we are pursuing myeggs actively have you heard of estrogen... I start to see how it goes eggs retrieved, 3 fertilized, 2 transferred on 2... The community, and are not held to a set schedule priming protocol # 4 on Friday Dec-Natural. A high quality community experience on our situation: Hi, i did my first was... U.S. Federal Government to use Lupron in some form first positive test protocol... Had 3 doctors want to keep trying protocols and not succeeding batch of eggs works... Is an injection once in the gonal and letrozole the antagonist with no response some. Ttc for 4.5 years or so: Thanks for the support did anyone have success with MDL high dose for... Meds and only have 1 follicle at 13, and are not to! 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