Purpose . The first is a rapid-fire ideas generation session, it can be a very energetic and fast-paced assignment. As well as finding a solution to the problem at hand, the process nurtures a working environment that values collaboration and communication and that focuses on creating solutions that meet the customers needs. 14 Ground Rules for Team Meetings . In pairs, they can continue to fill in any blanks with their partner when creating Personas in order to get a more rounded view of their end-user. Share one example of a product or service that left a positive impression on you.. You could relate it to designing a book cover, choosing a holiday destination, or buying an office desk chair. The digital tools you employ will make all the difference to the success of your digital Design Thinking workshop. That means having a beginners mind and the confidence to share. and we established a list of our key tips. With your agenda in place, you should now have a good idea of what youll need for the workshop. But how can we make it easier for newbies to grasp the five stages of the design thinking process and see how they can apply them in their day-to-day work? As the facilitator of a Design Thinking workshop, you are responsible for helping teams challenge assumptions, discover actionable insights, and arrive at innovative outcomes. Sharing user journey maps, reflection and discussion (10 minutes): At the end of the ideation phase, put ten minutes aside for presenting and reflecting on all the user journey maps created. With preparations ready and the agenda set, you can now facilitate a productive workshop. In this module, we will consider a range of tools to help design thinkers understand problems: surveys, statistics, interviews, five whys and so whats, user roleplays, analogous empathy, empathy maps, customer journeys, and value chain analysis. It serves as a rudder for cross functional teams working on complex projects, and takes 3 5 days to complete. What are we working with? Other times they must first be mapped across dimensions like desirability, impact or risk before those decisions can be made. What is a meaningful problem statement? Presentation of problem statements (20 minutes): Ask each participant to share their problem statements and how might we questions, with a brief explanation as to why they decided to focus on this particular problem. If you only do one thing, be over-prepared! We can ensure the success of the Workshop by asking the participants about any particular projects that could benefit from these techniques. Fortunately, there are plenty of online tools to make your life easier when you need to facilitate a meeting and lead workshops. What could have gone better? Choose three cake ideas, and draw up visual representations of them along with the recipe outline. Get the group to spend another ten minutes brainstorming as many ideas as possible. Our cake design process seeks to provide the answer in an engaging, experiential format. If youd like some examples of design thinking in the real world, check this out: 5 Game-Changing Examples of Design Thinking. Take part in one of our FREE live online UX design events with industry experts, and read up on UX graduate Alices career change from corporate banking. Its important that the group understand the mindset and that they can reflect on real-life scenarios they could apply Design Thinking to. Its very useful for participants to understand exactly what is meant by a prototype, and that it is not a near-finished product. As a participant in a Design Thinking workshop, you are responsible for arriving in the right design thinking mindset. In this guide, well show you how to run an effective design thinking workshop. Let's have fun in our workshops and work will become a game. Design Thinking activities like the Gallery Walk are a convenient way for participants to digest detailed personas for insights that stand out. These five stages of design thinking form an effective process for problem-solving that is useful for any team wanting to create better solutions and products. As a facilitator, you could mention that this form of research could identify with our Empathize stage, as well as our Ideate stage. In the final stage of the Design Thinking process, we are capturing honest responses and feedback, by inviting our end-user to a glimpse into what the final outcome might look like. In addition to writing for the CareerFoundry blog, Emily has been a regular contributor to several industry-leading design publications, including the InVision blog, UX Planet, and Adobe XD Ideas. Sometimes the best sources of inspiration connect seemingly unrelated industries. What will they take away with them? Do I have to be a designer to study this, and have any prior background knowledge? another person asks. Weve divided this guide into two phases: how to plan and prepare for your Design Thinking workshop, followed by how to actually conduct the workshop. That way, you can take it in turns to lead activities throughout, and you can also designate secondary roles for yourselves such as note taking, technical checks, photos of the material produced, etc. Blue sky thinking is brainstorming without limits. It includes detailed logistics and clearly outline the intentions of the workshop and its desired outcomes. Design thinking is unique in its focus on user-centric problem-solving: you're not just coming up with ideas that could benefit the business, but rather, taking a rare opportunity to really step into your users' shoes and understand them on a deeper level. Plan to facilitate several short rounds of brainstorming and open discussion before a unifying statement can be arrived at. These visualizations not only help teams describe ideas, but also interpret data and make informed decisions. Always one to evangelize and advocate open thinking when it comes to 'Digital Experience Design', and having played a gamut of roles from being a 'Multimedia Designer' since 2004, to being a . Use some of the most effective tools and techniques to design your concepts. Everything you need to know to discover innovative ideas as a team, including a sample 1-day a Design Thinking Workshop agenda. If working with several personas, consider breaking out into smaller groups focused on one persona. You can do this remotely or in person. By following the workshop template, youll find a heap of tips and tricks for teaching design thinking to a new group. Building a highly effective team takes effort, consideration,, Have you heard of Design Thinking? For the complete list of the digital tools to assist virtual facilitation and workshopping, check out our guide to digital facilitation tools for online workshops and meetings. Ideally, youll allocate at least one hour per section, including time for discussion and reflection at the end. Based on the five phases of Design Thinking, a Design Thinking workshop focuses on: Empathy: Getting to grips with a real user problem and building empathy for the target users / customers. In this case, you can still solve a real-world problem based on their product and industry. Regardless of the activities chosen, the goal here is to create a prioritized list of stories spanning the entire experience. Pre-work: Giving participants a simple assignment to complete and bring to the workshop is a great way to enrich your workshops and get participants into the Design Thinking mindset early. You can divide the journey mapping phase of your Design Thinking workshop into the following activities: Now for the fun part: building prototypes and testing ideas! To conclude, I wanted to give you one last little tip as a bonus. While physical whiteboards are the most engaging, excellent digital solutions are now available. Activityrefining your solution (10 minutes): Incorporating what theyve learned about the user and the feedback they received on their initial ideas, its time for the Design Thinkers to pull everything into one single solution. While there are many ways to describe the process, weve broken it down into three steps: Prepare, Facilitate and Document. Given the complexity of opportunities, this step can be a significant challenge that requires anywhere 2 to 6 weeks or longer, if any critical elements are missing or outdated (ex. A Beginners Guide. 10 Ground Rules . Deliver a world-class experience to your customers through the application of Design Thinking. The key is to deliver interesting, relevant content, followed by a practical exercise and then group discussion. In fact, there are plenty of free online workshop tools and meeting facilitation software you can, Team building activities can make all the difference when it comes to job satisfaction and organizational success. Reflection and discussion (5 minutes): As a group, discuss what youve learned from the ideation phase so far. And she was right. Crucially, an external facilitator is likely to feel more free to openly question the status quo., Crucially, the facilitator should be able to clearly explain to the group the importance of following the process, provide a clear picture of what team members can expect during the workshop, and be able to outline the results the workshop will bring., The team for your Design Thinking workshop will depend on the size of the company, the scale of the challenge at hand, and the capacity of individual team members. During this time, teams work through various activities that help model their users, define requirements and develop experiences. One of our favorite icebreaker activities was taught to us by our colleagues at Valtech Stockholm: In teams of 2, each participant must draw their teammate in one minute without looking at their sheet of paper or raising their pen. Our graduates come from all walks of life. When the statements been written, take a moment to have a brief reflection and discussion on what everybody has learned so far. You can also include any good photos you took of the workshop. Common Design Thinking workshop objectives include: Note: Expect to devote 1/2 day for each additional workshop objective. Keep in mind that the experience your clients will have during your workshops is the way they will remember you. Treat everyone as a peer. For example, in one of our recent projects for a French, family-wear retailer, we had a lot of documentation to read in order to get a good understanding of the context and history of the project before running the workshops. Because the quality of your facilitation during the workshop is a determining factor of the success of your project and of your clients satisfaction. You find the fun and snap! To keep your attendees relaxed, comfortable, and free to be creative, keep the following checklist in mind while selecting and preparing your workshops location:, The importance of writing a good workshop agenda should never be underestimated. There are many ways to create a fun atmosphere: choose dynamic icebreaker activities, create moments of friendly competition between the teams (with prizes to be won), put music on during break times, or even, in the case of a workshop lasting several days, plan an activity as a break from the workshop agenda to strengthen team ties. As Mary Poppins put it so well, In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. For your Design Thinking workshop, ask your participants to pair up and take it in turns to play the user. If teaching design thinking online, you may wish to. If you want easy recruiting from a global pool of skilled candidates, were here to help. The most productive Design Thinking workshops reduce the need for follow-ups by having all the right data on hand for decisions. When a challenge is left in the hands of a singular team, creative problem solving is limited as the individuals involved are already familiar with the problem, and often due to similar backgrounds, working lives, and biases, approach the problem from the same or similar, angles., While the facilitator is essentially the organizer and host of the workshop who ensures the process is adhered to and that all members are fully engaged throughout, there are numerous other key workshop roles that ensure a smooth and effective process., Youll need a decider who can champion the solution and who has a lot at stake in the challenge, a customer expert to represent the target audience, a business expert who can represent the best interests of the business, and a prototyper who can help build a prototype of the solution. All these benefits aside, Design Thinking workshops are incredibly fun and engaging. The level of detail you decide to document your workshop with should be based on the scale of your project short Design Thinking sessions with a core team dont require the same level of scrutiny as larger projects with extended teams who meet infrequently. Design thinking is a great methodology for bringing human-centered thinking to your team. Together, these steps capture the breadth of content and considerations involved in running an effective workshop. Ask your Design Thinkers how they enjoyed the workshop and what theyve learned. By learning the design thinking process in parallel with designing a cake, the steps are fun, relatable and easy to digest. For this activity, encourage participants to sketch out their solution rather than using words. Doing this early can help ease tension between group members, increase contributions, and avoid groupthink. Some key points to include in your introduction are: This is also a good time to mention that youd like to document the workshop by taking photos. That way, if there is an opportunity to develop and deepen the process, you might create a series of workshops that aim to tackle different issues and projects. Does your team need to discover new opportunities? And if the perfect phrasing remains elusive, its okay to leave the door open to copyedits in the future. It might be helpful to write it out as a question or statement that can be easily referred back to. If our Persona character was a strong supporter of local business, that may play a part in where the cake ingredients were sourced. Join the 100,000+ facilitators using SessionLab. Whether theyre starting from scratch or upskilling, they have one thing in common: They go on to forge careers they love. In phase one, we went through some general pointers to consider when devising the workshop agenda. Taras Bakusevych 8.5K Followers Define, Ideate) Select 1-2 activities to support each step (15 min - 3 hr) End with a recap and next steps (30 min) If working off-site, save the first 30 minutes for teams to arrive and settle. User stories are a helpful way to articulate the specific goals of a user persona. In our presentation at the beginning of the workshop, we outline some ways in which we might prototype our cake; As we are going for the simplest options in our workshop, we have suggested that the teams draw visual representations, adding possible recipe ingredients and flavors which they will then present to the end-user for testing. There are different types of ground rules. A good workshop facilitator must know how to get the word out within the company aboutthe beneficial effects of Design Thinking on collaboration and on a customer-centric culture. Go over the benefits, give examples of successful workshops, and leave a few minutes at the end for any questions or clarifications needed from the group about the process.. Throughout your design career, you might find yourself running Design Thinking workshops for clientsgoing into different organizations and showing them how they can apply Design Thinking to their own business challenges. Who are we designing for? Lets say we are creating a cake for our friend, and we cant decide what kind of cake to bake or to buy. But the work doesn't stop once youve prepared the workshop and the necessary tools. For example: Getting started, browsing the app, interacting with other users. Help participants unpack technical problems and appreciate the current user exprience, constraints and supporting systems. A user journey map is a visual representation of the process that a user goes through in order to accomplish a specific goal. In 5 seconds you will be redirected to valtech.com automatically, Our golden rules for leading a Design Thinking workshop, But the work doesn't stop once youve prepared the workshop and the necessary tools. Someone might say, Lets bake a chocolate sponge cake, everyone likes chocolate, and a few other people nod and murmur in agreement. Later on, youll narrow the design challenge down as part of the workshop itself. Why is it so important to design for the user first? Make sure you create a meaningful experience for them and there is a good chance that the workshop will be a success and that the opportunity will arise again. Theyll provide feedback, support, and advice as you build your new career. Every workshop should have ground rules. But if time catches up with you, sacrificing a few won't compromise the quality of the final work. We ask the group to consider different types of cake to demonstrate the scale of our problem: a cupcake, a birthday cake and a wedding cake. The workshop objectives and the design challenge: e.g. Using empathy maps and role-playing, encourage the group to get into the shoes of their target user. Because the. Okay, but then "how can I be all of this at once?" Capitalize on business opportunity by developing a harmonized digital strategy and transforming your organization. Through this process, participants will start to develop their design thinking muscles and learn how to take on bigger projects in future. Design Thinking workshops enable you to spread this value across your organization (or your clients organization). Theyll then gather feedback from the rest of the group. In general, workshops open with divergent thinking activities (brainstorming) before switching to convergent ones (prioritizations). We're here to help with this collection of simple and effective team building activities! It is proudly displayed, and the act of the happy couple cutting into it is celebrated by close family and friends. You could develop an exercise in which participants look for evidence to support their statement, and evidence against it, thus coming to the conclusion that not everyone likes chocolate. This gives our workshop participants an understanding of why it is so important to work in an empathetic manner throughout our journey. Next, you need to create the optimal space for your workshop. Dedicate the last ten minutes or so to reflection and discussion. Define, Ideate), Select 1-2 activities to support each step (15 min 3 hr), High-level summary including objective and outcomes, Pre-workshop assignment (ex. The goal of the Document step is to ensure all the insights and alignments generated during the workshop can be easily referenced and implemented by others. The following walkthrough outlines the major milestones you could expect in a 1-day workshop intended to align on the strategic requirements for a user-centered experience. Your email address will not be published. This can be a brief presentation covering the following points: By now, youve set the scene and put everybody at ease. This is also a great opportunity to understand what good looks like to the different members on your team by requesting they bring inspiring solutions. Well here are our handpicked tips. To ensure your remote Design Thinking workshop runs as smoothly as possible, its important to keep in mind the following best practices., We hope our guide to running a Design Thinking workshop has answered all your burning questions about mastering this process and has taken the fear out of running your first one. It is relatively affordable, perhaps a mid-range cost if its for a milestone birthday, or a low-cost supermarket purchase for a low-key, informal celebration. What goals are we missing? While these sources of insight are highly project specific, consider the following four areas as a starting point. Eg: How can we increase traffic to our landing pages?, Well talk about how best to run remote workshops later in this article, but for in-person workshops, the location you choose will play a significant role in its success. Display the ground rules so that they're visible to everyone. The 5 phases of the design thinking process. If youre conducting a Design Thinking workshop with clients or colleagues from other departments, youll need to get everybody up to speed on what Design Thinking actually is. equity, awareness, engagements), The Business (ex. Defer Judgment Creative spaces are judgment-free zones they let ideas flow so people can build from each other's great ideas. They are always participatory, and employ a range of activities designed to generate ideas (divergence) and make decisions (convergence). Activityconduct user research (10 minutes): Normally, the empathise phase consists of conducting research with actual users. Ideation, innovation, and problem-solving: Generating as many ideas and potential solutions as possible. Lets consider the benefits of a Design Thinking workshop in more detail. Activityadd functionality to mobile screens (15 minutes): Now participants will turn their sketches into low-fidelity paper prototypes by adding functionality. A prototype is a visual, interactive mock-up of an idea and can be two-dimensional, for example, a drawing or a diagram, or they might take a three-dimensional form. Well finish this exercise with a selection of ideas to bring through and prototype. You can learn about different ideation techniques in this comprehensive guide to ideation in Design Thinking. We'll get into what these look like in practice a little later on, but first let's take a look at what they mean in theory and why they're important to the Design Thinking process . sustainability, carbon footprint), Open a new workshop calendar (ex. However, knowing all these tools and framework is like having a car without a driver's license. By the end, youll be equipped to guide and support any workshop team to find the innovative solutions they need to address their user and business challenges. As the North star of the design, its best to align on the statement as early as possible. Ask the group to consider the following: This is also a good opportunity to assess the current user personas the team are using. Despite . For example: A busy, middle-aged professional needs an easy way of meeting like-minded people in the local area. Part of the workshop will be dedicated to building low-fidelity prototypes, for which youll need a good selection of materials. 14 Ground Rules for Workshops. . Although its quite possible to lead a solo workshop, we strongly recommend that you be two people (or a few more, depending on the size of the group and the duration of the workshop). Nurture your inner tech pro with personalized guidance from not one, but two industry experts. The goal of the workshop might be to come up with ways to improve the user experience for LoveFoundry customers. When considering the term Stakeholder this could mean anyone who is involved in the cake-making or consuming process. This step is all about gathering useful feedback: Are the ideas good? The point of view statement should include a specific user, a need, and an insight. Discuss the results of preparatory UX research, technical audits, and other data gathered in preparation. If we designed our workshop to run over a longer period, the group may wish to explore ideas further, by discovering recipes and cake designs. There's often not a whole lot of difference between outrageous and brilliant. How to run a UX design workshop by Andreas Johansson; Three Types of narratives to build amazing workshop experiences or really any of Daniel Stillman's writings; Managing Discussions by Matt Leighninger more ground rules, including "Bob's Rules," this is part of a series of 3 blogs entries on facilitation Obviously, this ratio can be adapted according to the complexity and your level of familiarity with the subject. Indeed, Design Thinking can be applied to all areas of business, and a Design Thinking workshop can therefore be useful for everyonefrom marketing, product, and sales, right through to the C-level. Unlike virtual workshop ground rules (in which one person is usually the lead), team meetings usually require everyone to operate as a peer. Depending on where the project stands within the Design Thinking process, workshops can be used to output anything from early strategic requirements to fully-functional prototypes. Phases should be labelled from the users perspective. Design Thinking looks at the customer's perspective from the start to the end of an experience. The five phases of Design Thinking are: Once youve gathered all the information, compile it into a single document and share it with the extended team. If there is time, you can create an exercise to develop questions from closed statements and assumptions, into open questions that dont lead the person. Having gone through the users challenges in the previous exercise, the group is in a better position to go into more detail with the issue itself. Open a new workshop calendar (ex. In the introduction, its very useful to frame the Design Thinking process as a. As a facilitator, we should ensure that everyone comes away from the workshop feeling empowered, with more clarity on what Design Thinking means, and how they can apply the methods to real-life projects. How did the experience make you feel? To give you a helping hand, weve put together a handy list of tools and best practices you can follow to make sure you and your workshop group are well prepared for your remote workshop session.. Don't forget to take photos of the material produced as you go along, and if your workshop contains pitches, record them so that you can remember them if necessary. Become a qualified UX designer in just 5-10 monthscomplete with a job guarantee. This month, were offering 100 partial scholarships worth up to $1,385 off our career-change programs To secure a spot, book your application call today! Did everybody agree with the users challenge or were different needs identified?, Working with the problem the group identified in the previous step, the group spends this next phase working on ideas and possible solutions. Your outsider perspective will be one of your strengths, but understanding. 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