T/F- The face you try to show to others is called the perceived self. The intensifying stage is the time when individuals give up some characteristics of their old selves and develop shared identities. Punctuality touches every aspect of your life, from arriving on time to yearly family reunions, to catching the bus every . (Adam Tschorn / Los Angeles. Studies show that business people believe that listening is important and they also do it well. A) Social comparison -nonverbal communication is more likely to be recognized by people than verbal communication, -in the 1970s nonverbal communication was intercultural communication Hearing True High-level abstractions can be useful as verbal shorthand between two people who know each other well. Regardless, its important to be strategic and intentional about patients arrival and appointment times to create an efficient, sustainable workflow. -non-words ("un-huh"), paralanguage between individuals that are more distant, defined by louder language Indicate your response by shading in the appropriate oval on your answer sheet. Draw three lines under each letter that should be capitalized. A) Feedback framework D. we have many physical distractions Pragmatic rules are rotated rules that helps us make sense of other messages? 1 Often, a patient's anxiety manifests as dental avoidance, which can lead to extreme oral health complications or a low quality of life. -The Origin of Species- narrative in which Darwin asserted the theory of evolution which stated a new species originates because given the variation join the population certain individuals possess characteristics that are ideal for their survival in particular environment -in Latin America and the Middle East increasing closeness is a sign of aggression -gaze/eye-contact, kinesic behaviors hat express emotions USE PROPER FONTS What are the most appropriate fonts and font sizes to use for an appointment letter? C) Sympathy D) Love, All of the following are true of the expression of emotions in collectivistic cultures except: Shared understanding and clarity are the most important goals in achieving successful communication. Talking the most, interrupting the other person, and changing the topic most often are all common . D) Narrative D) Androgynous behaviour, You figure your friends smile means she's happy For an important appointment such as a job interview, you should aim to be sufficiently early that any ordinary delay, such as a late train, won't make you late. Identify each italicized phrase in the following paragraph as a prepositional phrase, a participial phrase, a gerund phrase, an infinitive phrase, or an appositive phrase. Fingerprinting (1) a significant role in investigative work ever since the late nineteenth century, when Sir Francis Galton, a British anthropologist, determined that (2) identical fingerprints. [5] A person waiting to have a horse shod or wagon fixed could relax on the bench and chat with passersby. (C) who invented the first Use the present participle of the main verb with the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb be or the base form of the main verb with the appropriate form of do. C. does not feel anxious or guilty about the lies D) Receiving double messages, The ability to construct a variety of different frameworks for viewing an issue is termed: - anger C. you can point out your partner's good ideas B) Emblem B) Syntactic The influence of significant others becomes less powerful as we grow older. A. personal, impersonal, social, public Chances are if you're running late, not only do you have the means to warn your manager ahead of time (hello, that's what a cell phone is for . You should't have to repeat the assertive message format if you express yourself clearly in the first place. True or false?" -no execution- benina gaijin (weird foreigner) Social networks E. posture is not important to body image, D. tension and relaxation of muscles can indicate status differences, Edward T. Hall's Distance Zones are E) Linguistic determinism, In a low-context language culture, you will notice brings a number of both challenges and opportunities. B) Nonverbal C. regulating B. It sounds like you're not leaving early enough to guarantee being on time. There will be a lot of people A look at the line along Waring Avenue at the Hollywood DMV field office at 7:45 a.m. on July 16, 15 minutes before the office opened. 0-18 inches E) Overgeneralization, "You should be more patient": D. families are systems. He misses his mother. So when you arrive promptly, waiting 10, 15 or 45 minutes. It doesn't matter whether you're driving or taking public transport: any journey can take longer than you expect. B) Emblem E. regulating, The lawyer pounded his fist on the table for emphasis. This skill goes beyond arriving on time to classes as a college student or arriving on time to work as an adult. Sex role plays a considerably greater importance in conversational style then does gender. -cars A. the other is friendly E) Disfluency, Unidad 2: El mundo hispanohablante, festivale, prof/comm review questions for final (session, prof comm final - textbook questions (Ch 1-10), Prof & Com Final Review (Chapter 1-10 Textboo, Prof Comm- Looking Out Looking In (chapters 7, Prof Comm Looking Out Looking In (chapters 1-, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Chapter 07: Sleep and Sleep Disorders Practic. Are you the person whose car is parked in the loading zone? 0000119976 00000 n C. engaging in face-to-face listening Eighty-three percent of patients say being told in advance what the wait time will be could help to reduce frustration. -tone Life is unfair, so you're crazy to let it bother you." -high-pressure handshake in U.S. v. low pressure handshake in Massai T/F- Communication is so important that its quantity and quality can affect physical health. Psychologist Abraham Maslow suggests that the most basic human needs: B) Must be ratified before we concern ourselves with other ones. E) Syntacic, Equivocal words A. we hear so many verbal messages B. insulated listening Building upon the research of Galton, Juan Vucetich of Argentina and Sir Edward R. Henry of Great Britain (3) fingerprint classification systems during the 1890s. C) Median D) Messages communicated by people who perceive danger prior to its happening Select a format The setting where you ask your manager to leave work early may depend on your professional environment. The plane took off into the wind to get more lift. B) The self-fulfilling prophecy Because we can't predict exactly what help other patients will need before your visit, please expect to be here at least _____ hours so you won't get anxious if you do need to wait." Upon arrival. When a speaker uses powerful speech pattern he/she, C. may undermine relational goals to accomplish short term goals, A speaker's willingness to take responsibility for his/her thoughts or feelings can be indicated by the use of, A friend told you there was a "good chance" that he would come to your party. 0000009012 00000 n (embark). B) Leaning back in your chair A) Use perception checking 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. Moreover, there are some types of latent fingerprints (9) with a laser beam. [7] The reason that most smithies went out of business in the early years of the twentieth century was not that the work done by blacksmiths had ceased to be important. Offer the following to help patients accept the wait better: C) Verbal and nonverbal To reschedule call 555-555-5555. 3. E) Fallacy of catastrophic expectations, "Those interviewers made me feel so nervous": Sometimes such fingerprints are clearly visible, but other times (7) cannot be seen. Read the paragraph below. Shared understanding and clarity are the most important goals in achieving successful communication. C) Create a self-fulfilling prophecy According to chapter one, all of the following are attributes needed to communicate successfully with people from different cultures except: Someone who sends negative messages to you, making you feel worse about yourself. All rights reserved. What is the effect of the regular rhyme and rhythm scheme of the poem? True T/F- According to your text, interpersonal communication can be defined quantitatively or qualitatively. ", Which of the following is the best helping paraphrase response to the following statement? ______In the 192019201920s Berlin was a cultural capital of Europe; many artists, writers, and musicians called it home. 1. B) Regulating Your friend things she has a lot of "self-confidence". A) Self-serving bias 105 terms. 0000004610 00000 n Arrival Etiquette. A) Chronemics More slips of tongue -infomral time Arriving early for an appointment A) chronemics B) paralanguage C) disfluencies D) proxemics E) kinesics Correct Answer: Access For Free Review Later Choose question tag Discard Apply 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. When Yoda says "Your father he is", he is breaking a common semantic rule. C) Sensing, interpreting, and encoding Punctuality, or the state of being on time, is a skill that's highly underutilized in today's world. Yes, Esteban certainly ^ almost every detail of that wondrous first encounter. -disgust- wrinkling the nose May 17, 2013. -decrease of distance defines intimate relationships in the United States D) Myth of self . A) Waving your hand While on vacation with her family in Germany, Abigail criticized how germans drove on the Autobahn compared to American freeway driving. This is to most humbly inform you that based on my meeting request, I was allotted a meeting time from __:__ (time) till __:__ (till) on __/__/____ (date). "Uh," "um," "er . . Ensure Your Information is Up to Date. She says she's forced to tell him over and over to pick up his things because he never listens to her. Japan: "I lived in Japan, and a rule of thumb is that if you arrive five minutes early for anything (a meeting, social engagement, to catch a bus, etc. B) Organization The foul weather delayed our \rule{1cm}{0.15mm}. B) Intimate, personal, social, public 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. B. False A) Arguing C) Fear of self disclosure Eye contact maintained in the U.S. v. considered disrespectful in Japan (especially towards superiors and elders) Providers work quickly, bumping up some appointments. A. emotive language Necessary information for upcoming visits is gathered. B. women interact at closer distances, with both men and women B. family communication is role-driven. Example: Use into the wind as an adverb phrase. Well help you take your patient messages to the next level. -Latin American relaxed about time Positivity E) Selection, You claim your roommates are lazy when they don't clean up, but when you fail to clean, its because of your many commitments A) Physical construct B. relative language When he didn't show up you were upset. When a speaker uses powerful speech pattern he/she. Results: Late, on time, and early arriving patients spent 18.2, 30.7, and 38.8min in the waiting room, respectively. Chronemics. -nature as a selective force- evolution by natural selection H\j0l/L MZe d (E~u|JkHFCt~6G-0]O{i$/4&umuwLg{{x46Mzm:~4[s&]=OqwMNMC3}RgZ5^%.Pe9'yxKw~% u%_!o/QoYcQcr.%-XVbbbb"e6l..y8q{9%x ^>>>>B/K%//x eg3%8/Q(p: 1. pgeric 8 yr. ago. -the facial expressions for anger, happiness,and sadness are generally universal across cultures but other emotions are expressed differently depending on different cultural constraints, proxemics- nonverbal communicant that involves space 0000001196 00000 n -classroom arangement illustrating how much participation occurs Include Confirmation. 39 terms. A) Western culture T/F- Punctuation is the process of organizing a series of events to determine causes and effects. communication competence is a trait that ppl eother possess or lack? E. kinesics, Lois snapped her fingers and shouted, "Hurry up! E) Disfluency, Stammering C. the other wants to communicate C) Emotive language C) Sensations that are activated by movement of internal tissues dHKGA 0K `/#6010`?P`pIWFS?/&6]g]!>`8`raKC He takes his time and explains everything. Arriving after showtime can spoil the whole evening. B. different facial expressions help posture interpretation D) Have meanings one person can guess at but another can't -George Trager -wrote Introdcution to Kinesics for U.S. diplomats 4. shorter answers often yes or no or use a service like Sandy to send you text reminders at set intervals before each appointment . What combination of events encouraged middle-class and working-class women to increasingly support the woman suffrage movement during the Progressive Era? We recommend taking full advantage of the customizable message features available to you via the. You control access to your schedule, provider and operatory availability patients only . Pre-visit lab testing and other diagnostics are arranged. 0000113910 00000 n Purpose: Explain why you are calling. Generally speaking, people are more likely to share negative emotions rather than positive emotions. B) Emblem Providers have different rules or needsincluding those with the same specialty or appointment types. %PDF-1.5 % A) Substituting 0000045519 00000 n D) Distorted feedback -in the west time is viewed as a linear progression (past-present-future) -e.g;: beauty is more appealing to men and intellectual character is more appealing to women If your insurance contract allows you to bill the patient for missed time, let them know what they can expect to pay. There are tests, lab work, or other prep work that need to be completed prior to the appointment. 0000008132 00000 n Explore our library and get Introductory Psychology Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. (carve). The Netherlands: "In the Netherlands, you always arrive on time and sometimes even early.". E) Fallacy of catastrophic expectations, "You never tell me how you feel": -touch One of the primary reasons why we don't express emotions is that we don't recognize when they occur. In the same sex dyads, women will generally offer which of the following listening response more than any other. 06: Managing Appointments. Which elements of the listening process is where Michael's listening failed. B) Emblem 2. After World War n. President Harry Truman authorized the Marshall Plan, which was a program designed to speed economic recovery in Europe. C) CMC enhances the quality but decreases the quantity of interpersonal communication Two minutes too early, and you are late! D) Androgynous behaviour, You notice car advertisements more when you need a new car B) Ambiguous C. Eta D. women are more likely to lean forward in conversations than men D) The display of certain emotions is considered less appropriate than in individualistic cultures, B) Expression of negative emotions towards outsiders is discouraged, Although she was annoyed when the students challenged her statement, the instructor maintained a calm presenting self. B) People or words that influence the self-concept positively or negatively [2] The blacksmith's work included not only shoeing horses, but also making iron parts for wagons and carriages. C) Mean the same to all people and are thus redundant D) Self-expression valued E) Selection, Temi did not want to associate with the girl wearing a ring in her nose High value on equality Class definition of interpersonal communication? B. accenting -hand gestures Here are 10 advantages that come to mind for me. E) Transient self, People who are high self-monitors: -e.g: 8:00 am (between 8:00 and 8:15), time derived from an indivdual's culture or orientation Compensation is the invention of logical but untrue explanation of behavior that is unacceptable to the self. False According to your text, your goal should be to have as many interpersonal communication experiences as possible. A) Are much more aware of their impression management behaviour than others D. reading [8] On the contrary, work with iron and steel became so significant and so technical that a job typically had to be given to a specialist within the field. nd endstream endobj 53 0 obj <> endobj 54 0 obj <>stream B) Fact, You told Witold that I didn't want to go out with him According to the text, Abigail's attitude is considered. A strong accent or husky voice 5. Your practices arrival and appointment times, for example, may differ for one or moreor even noneof the above reasons. A) Have more than one commonly accepted definition E) Disfluency, Usually expresses our feelings best: B) Self-matching Pre-visit planning is a team-based approach to planning for patient appointments. T/F- Only women are affected by changes in mood. 0000006520 00000 n This is to limit congestion and minimise wait times in the terminal. B) "I am mad because you never do the dishes" D) Cognitive interpretations and verbal and nonverbal expressions. C. may undermine relational goals to accomplish short term goals. C) Behaviour -physically attractive women (as defined by their cultures) typically have higher self-esteem You think Erin is "arrogant". D. proxemics Not understanding how we are late, I ask. A) Physical construct Let me know what you think: 1. 0000004159 00000 n B. we are often wrapped up in personal concerns True Our sense of identity mainly comes from: A) Those who confirm our identity B) Our genetic inheritance C) The way we interact with others D) Our cultural background C) The way we interact with others attacking the source of dissonant information B) Happen only when you feel good A) Punctuation -speed of speaking A) Punctuation Gender and sex role are the same thing, according to the text, so there is no difference. Amanda Apple, LDH, BGS. Nonverbal communication in general communication, nonverbal communication is vital in everyday communication, characteristics of nonverbal communication, nonverbal communication is comprised of space, time, odors, touching, and the manner in which one speaks (e.g: loudness), characteristics of most nonverbal communication, all types of communication that takes place without words, Mehrahian & Ferns (1967) & Mehrahian and Wiener (1967), analyzed he amount of meaning that is derived in everyday communication situations through facial expressions and vocal expressions without actual verbal words, the way in which the words are said rather than the content, amount of communication that is nonverbal, Relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication, in highly technical interactions verbal communication carries information whereas in intimate relationships nonverbal communication carries meaning, situations effected by nonverbal communication, the effect of technological communication on nonverbal communication, technological communication removes the presence of ones nonverbal communication and therefore interrupts communication, importance of nonverbal and verbal communication in low and high-context cultures, verbal communication is generally more important in low context culture, whereas nonverbal communication is usually important in a high-context culture, Reasons why nonverbal communication is important, 1. T/F- Identical foods can actually taste different to various individuals. 1) contrast B) Improving their relationship B. contradicting According to the text, the most helpful way of responding to a problem is to offer good, specific advice. He is very self-confident. As a Vital Interaction user, you can easily customize your system and message settings to include: If you need help getting started with or adjusting this setting, reach out to our Support team today. B. low rate of speech T/F- We use identity management to create many identities. D) Expect to be rejected by others -palm gesture- stop, non-verbal codes are not universal The program is required to stay open for a minimum of 15 hours per week and until at least 6 p.m. every day school is open [EC Section . Underline each adjective clause in the sentences below. C) Verbal communication Moreover, arriving late for class causes you to fall behind (get behind) in the lesson, which can cause further distractions for your classmates if you have to ask further questions. D. Imperial families. 0000003274 00000 n . E) All of the above, Kinescics is the study of: 0000071560 00000 n Confirm contact information when patients schedule their next appointment. At the Carrollton and Garland mega centers, customers have . Identify the italicized clause in each of the following sentences as an independent clause or a subordinate clause. 0000004337 00000 n B. Artisan class For each numbered blank, select the word or group of words that best completes the sentence. A) Chronemics B) Fallacy of shoulds A key challenge for many medical practices is optimizing patient flow and cycle time. E) Disfluency, Arriving early for an appointment For example, if you're a remote employee, then scheduling a virtual meeting or sending an email may be most effective. A. substituting A) The confirmation hypothesis And we can easily adjust patients arrival time based on the needs of your practice. D) It is too specific Which of the following best fits the definition of self disclosure? Research indicates that people from warmer climates are more emotionally expressive than people from cooler climate. The process of verbal and nonverbal interactions between two or more people conveying a message. B) Environment I do have a chair in the hall that they can sit and wait but I dont like clients bumping into each other . B) Organization D) Express equality through our humanity, The kind of person you believe yourself to be is called the: Sixty-four percent of physicians say patient arrival times (e.g., patients arriving later than their scheduled appointment time) are usually the biggest reason they run behind schedule. hb```b``g` This assignment is worth 15 points. Reply 1 to Confirm or 2 to Reschedule; You have a pre-appointment consultation with Maddie at Mad Ink Parlor to review your tattoo design. -compared facial expressions of humans, children, and adults (including the mentally ill) with that of animals (apes and dogs) C. rarely genuine and therefore impossible to decode -using similar gestures According to Mr. Hodde, your sex role has a much greater impact on how you communicate with others than does your gender. [deleted] 8 yr. ago. But you shouldn't let that stop you. -japanese are precise to the second E) Fallacy of catastrophic expectations, T/F- Semantic rules are more powerful than an individual's personal meaning for words, T/F- Euphemisms are pleasant terms substituted for blunt ones, T/F- Men primarily use language to accomplish tasks; women primarily use language to nourish their relationships, T/F- There are few advantages to using a "Powerless" language style, T/F- Linguistic relativism is a notion that holds that our language exerts a strong influence on our perceptions, If I say "here the drink bring", I have violated a(n) ____ rule of our language A) Perceived self All of the above, According to a study of college students and their communication activities, over 50 percent of their communication time was spent, Actually unhelpful at least as often as it its helpful, "You're depressed because you haven't found a place to live yet? A) Are emotional counterfeits A) Self-serving bias (past We have observed practices that adjust patients arrival time to as much as one hour prior to appointments as well as those that have patients arrive as little as five minutes early. 2. 0000009378 00000 n 0000096019 00000 n C) Verbal communication Chap 6 states that nonverbal communication functions to? Reward your patients who do show up on time. C) Self-fulfilling prophecy How to Set an Appointment. Most of us in the industry are aware that theres usually a difference between the time that patients need to arrive for their appointments and the actual time the appointment begins with the provider. A key challenge for many medical practices is. E) There is nothing ineffective about the original statement, D) All of the above describe what's ineffective about the statement, Facilitative feelings: Constructive Criticism Some couples never experience distance in their relationship. E. complementing, Nonverbal evidence of lying is most likely to occur when the deceiver On-arrival notice If the letter is personal, you can indicate that by writing "PERSONAL" or "CONFIDENTIAL." Type in all uppercase. -pronouncing words with the same accent -entrance to important buildings associated with the Islamic faith face Meccah, behavior of an individual that desires to lay claim to a specific space 3. Example: Before the trip, I had loaded\underline{\color{#c34632}{loaded}}loaded film in my camera. usually dicloses more information now matter what group is being disclosed, An individualistic culture like the United States, compared to a collectivist culture, Communicator can resolve cognitive dissonance by Emblem E. regulating, the lawyer pounded his fist on the table for emphasis is a that. Of events encouraged middle-class and working-class women to increasingly support the woman movement! Elements of the customizable message features available to you via the waiting 10, 15 or 45 minutes response than. Foods can actually taste different to various individuals than people from warmer climates are likely. Others is called the perceived self helping paraphrase response to the following to help patients accept the wait:! Artists, writers, and changing the topic most often are all common writers, early... Wind to get more lift early enough to guarantee being on time to classes a. To determine causes and effects musicians called it home 6 States that nonverbal communication functions to defines relationships... Tests, lab work, or other prep work that need to strategic. Climates are more emotionally expressive than people from warmer climates are more emotionally expressive than people from climate. Construct let me know what you think Erin is `` arrogant '', Lois snapped her fingers shouted! Other messages ; many artists, writers, and you are late, I ask ( 9 ) a... 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