Henry said Montgomery seemed out of touch with reality when Henry and Harwell, who work in Tennessee, traveled by plane to visit her in October and early November at Fort Worth. Multiple medical experts have given statements agreeing with that diagnosis. "I'm sick of hearing about Lisa Montgomery and what she went through. Harper told a dispatcher her daughter's womb appeared to have "exploded" and that blood was "everywhere." Multiple medical experts have given statements agreeing with that diagnosis. If Mattinglycould speak directly to Trump, she said, she would tell him: "Please dont take my sister. Those were disconnections that were tragic in their consequences. Other times, her behavior could be erratic and inappropriate. He said she stood out to the extentthere appeared to be something wrong" with her. So my letters are important.. A lifelong opponent of the death penalty, Dorr said she wants the world to know about Lisa Montgomery the person. Mattingly says looking back to the moment life changed for her as an eight-year-old, she feels guilty that when the social workers came for her, she didn't tell them what was going on in that house. A clemency petition asking Trump to reduce Montgomerys sentence to life without parole is expected to be filed in the coming weeks. One of those men started coming into their bedroom and raping Mattingly regularly, Mattingly said. If you or someone you know needs support for issues about emotional distress, these organisations may be able to help. She was broken by people who were supposed to be her caregivers. "I think that in a lot of the opinion pieces that are being posted, in a lot of things that people are sharing, Bobbie Jo and her daughter, and her mother and her husband and other friends and family, are kind of being forgotten," says Tiffany Kirkland, another member of the class of 2000. Those records say questions were raised about her ability to function as an effective parent afterher house was found to be "filthy," her children were seen running naked in her yard and one of her daughters, then 2years old,ingested a bottle of Tylenol in 1993. Only 18 death sentences were handed down in 2020 and the number of executions carried out hit a 30-year low. She pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. At the time of her murder, she was newly married and pregnant with her first child. A survivor of incest and sex trafficking, she is diagnosed with bipolar disorder with psychotic features, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, temporal lobe epilepsy, and cerebellar dysfunction, said Amy Harwell, a federal public defender in Tennessee who is working on Montgomerys case. He continued the cycle of abuse, rapes and beatings, which he sadistically videotaped. Henry says Montgomery's original legal defence after she was arrested and charged with murder was woefully inadequate, and presented few of the details about her abuse, trauma and mental illness. And then go, 'Stand there and listen to the 911 call of [Stinnett's mother]. There were always different men around the house. Patterson was transferred after Montgomerys birth to Fort Riley inKansas, where their family lived when another daughter was born in 1970. According to sworn statements from her family, her mental health declined rapidly after that. Lisa's mother, Judy Shaughnessy, abused her "in extreme and sadistic ways," according to interviews with nearly 450 family members, neighbors, lawyers, social workers, and teachers. Diane Mattingly is the sister of Lisa Montgomery, who is scheduled for execution by the federal government on December 8, 2020. Montgomerys legal team is fighting against the clock to gather the information needed for her clemency petition, which has been complicated by the coronavirus crisis. Mrs. Ramachandran said women who sufferchildhood sexual abuse and whose minds revolve around babies and pregnancy are predisposed to suffering pseudocyesis, a condition in which they show physical symptoms of pregnancy, including enlargement of the breasts and stomach, morning sickness and cravings for certain foods. Montgomery was psychotic at the time of the crime, Harwell said. While the court admonished her for not reporting it to authorities, they did not report it either. Montgomery, her sister said, was repeatedly failed: by the deputy sheriff who was told of her abuse; by the judge who was aware she was being molested; by her trial. The crime itself shows that Lisa had lost all touch with reality. And nowhere is that support more palpably felt in this case than in Skidmore. Montgomery's lawyers want her sentence commuted to a life sentence, which would allow her to remain under psychiatric care in prison for the rest of her days. More: Who was the last woman executed by the US government? Montgomery's lawyers argue that because of a combination of years of horrific abuse, and a raft of psychological issues, she should never have been given the death penalty. At 18, Judy pressured Lisa to marry her stepbrother. Shaughnessy in 1974 married her third husband, Jack Kleiner, a divorced father of five. Lisa Montgomery's half-sister Diane Mattingly, who was separated from her in 1972 has taken a more high-profile role in trying to save her life. But they were what we come to understand as neuro-physiological adaptations to survive being constantly under assault.. The baby, who was uninjured, was returned to her father. Im not a psychiatrist, so I cant go any further than that.. Ive always said that I am bruised, but not broken, Mattingly said, her voice choked with tears. "This was a very coordinated and determined plan to ensure that as many people could be executed on federal death row as possible before the end of this administration term.". And though there's been much recent debate over the fairness of Montgomery's sentence in courthouses and in the opinion pages of newspapers like the New York Times, a similar debate does not exist here. According to an interview with her father, Montgomery's mother Judy Shaughnessy drank heavily throughout her pregnancy, and their daughter was born with foetal alcohol syndrome. She credits this moment for her "fairly normal" life - a house on eight peaceful acres, a loving relationship with her children, nearly two decades at a job working for the state of Kentucky. According to interviews with her half-siblings and others who spent time with the family, Montgomery's stepfather built a shed onto the trailer where he, and eventually his friends, raped and beat her. In the other cases, she said, prosecutors opted not to seek the death penalty or juries did not impose it because it was obvious the women were suffering from profound mental illnesses. Babcock said the constant in every case she has seen is an overwhelming history of trauma. Montgomery's mother, Judy Shaughnessy, who was 20 at the time of her birth in 1968, drank heavily while pregnant with her daughter. Montgomerys family tree, on both her mother and fathers side, is filled with psychiatric and neurologic impairment, including mood disorders, intellectual disability, PTSD and schizophrenia. "She always wanted to be a mom," says Baumli. Diane Mattingly has been speaking publicly for the first time in the hope it can make a difference. Montgomery first claimed to have had the baby at a Topeka birthing center but began changing her story after investigatorsseparated her from her husband and the infant, Strong said. Her victim's community said otherwise. He thanked the sheriff for recovering his daughter and allowing him to be the parent that his wife couldn't be. - Sandra Babcock, faculty director of the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide, Montgomery, who confessed, was later sentenced to death for the , The Trump administration announced it was. Lisa Montgomery is no different. In Montgomerys early childhood, her older sister, Diane, suffered the worst of the violence. And that would be from across a courtroom, where lawyers for the US government were trying to persuade a jury to sentence Montgomery to death. What you need to know about Montgomery and her victim, Bobbie Jo Stinnett. It is extremely rare for women to be sentenced to death, said Sandra Babcock, faculty director of the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide and an expert on women and the death penalty. Montgomery gave birth to three daughters and a son from1987 to1990, court records say. It makes him even angrier that it was Stinnett's mother who discovered her that way. Warnersaid the killinghad left Melvern residents stunned.. For example, she said, the jury that recommended Montgomery be executed wasn't asked to consider the impact that would have on her four children and 12 grandchildren. She had bought supplies, including a home birth kit, and searched online for how to perform a caesarean section. Montgomery's family moved from place to place during her adult years, continuing the pattern she hadknown as a child. Randy Strong, who investigated the case,is unhappy that some people are asking thatMontgomerys life be spared. As an adult, Montgomerys dysfunctional life mimicked that of her childhood. She told Lisa she had to "earn her keep." Judy later. The judge in the case scolded Shaughnessy for not reporting the abuse - but did not report the abuse himself. The infant found later that day to weigh 5 pounds, 11 ounces was "very still" and didn't cry, which concerned Strong. At the instigation of Shaughnessys lawyer, Montgomery was connected to a therapist, but only briefly. "It was pretty awful.". He was pumping her, Shaughnessy testified. Henry says this was an early sign of her mental illnesses, which include bipolar disorder, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative disorder and traumatic brain injury. Dorr has since been released from prison and remarried. "Today the death penalty has a face of my friend and I just can't be quiet about it," she said. But what happened at the modest clapboard house where Stinnett lived with her husband still haunts some of those involved in the investigation. Mattingly said she was fortunate to have been moved to a lovinghome of high school history teacher and coach Floyd Gwin;his wife, Zella Gwin;and their three biological children. Friends recall her as a good student with a love of horses and dogs. Montgomery's older half-sister, Diane Mattingly, told reporters last week that Shaughnessy repeatedly beat Montgomery and Mattingly. Bobbie's family deserves her," says Meagan Morrow, a high school classmate of Stinnett's. A social worker found Lisa's allegations of abuse credible and turned the file. She is the most broken of the broken. She would tell me I had to leave and I couldnt take anything with me because she bought everything, she recalled. Montgomery's alcoholic mother, Judy Shaughnessy, knew about the assaults but blamed Montgomery for bringing them upon herself. Shaughnessy has since died. ", More: Only woman on federal death row asks President Trump to be a 'hero,' commute her sentence. According to Gallup, while support for the death penalty in the US is at its lowest level in more than 50 years, 55% of Americans still believe it is an appropriate punishment for murder. Weddle said she moved to Melvern when she retired nine years ago because she wanted peace and quiet after more than 30 years as a Topeka police officer. Her daughter remembered her acting like a young child in public, twirling and skipping with her arms swinging with abandon. Montgomery and Carl Boman divorced, remarried and divorced again in 1998. After previously being allowed contact with a limited number of inmates, Montgomery was moved to a solitary confinement cell at Carswell and kept there 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Henry said. At the time, Lisa had told her new husband that she was pregnant, which her former husband knew wasn't possible because of the forced sterilization. Lisa Montgomery - the only female inmate on federal death row in the US - has been executed for murder in the state of Indiana. This story was first published on 11 January - before Lisa Montgomery's execution on 13 January. Carl Boman wasn't the father of one of the girls, according to court records, which say Montgomery was sterilized after the last birth in 1990. Montgomery said she was seeking a dog for a Christmas gift. Shaughnessy's nephew, David Kidwell, testified that she believed Montgomery "had brought [the abuse] on herself, that she enticed him". Authorities also questioned Kevin Montgomery but concluded he wasn't involved. She describes Montgomery's ex-husband as cruel and harassing. Stinnett bled to death. I didn't know what to do or how to talk to my sister about it.". "She was really the first one to have a decent marriage, you know, and I guess looking at Bobbie Jo was like, what your dreams were when you were younger.". Dorr met Montgomery after being imprisoned for helping an inmate escape in 2006 as Dorrran a dog training program for inmates at Lansing Correctional Facility in northeast Kansas. Shaughnessy sat so unmoved during her daughter's testimony that the judge reprimanded her for lacking empathy. She missed the funeral because of it. "Oh, they're here, I've got to go," she said. At that time, Montgomery was awaiting trial. "I would say, 'President Trump, I want you to look at the life that Lisa had led, I want to look at all the people that have failed her, I want you to look at the rape, the torture, the mental abuse, the physical abuse that this woman had endured,'" she says. As Strongand other investigators were about to pull into the driveway of Montgomery's house, he said, he learned via a phone callthat the last email Stinnett received had come from that home. In her opinion, Montgomerys extreme childhood trauma created the conditions for her to grow into an adult with a disconnected sense of her emotions, a tenuous hold on reality, a completely warped view of human relationships, and a split and damaged sense of herself and of her body, according to expert testimony she provided for the defense. Although the alumni have scattered somewhat, in recent years, the Nodaway-Holt R-VII High School graduating class of 2000 - which had only 22 members - has a tradition to mark the anniversary of the death of their classmate Bobbie Jo Stinnett. And to not fail her.". She had this ability to find what hurt you the most and use that against you, Mattingly said. The baby girl survived, andMontgomery took her home and briefly passed her off as her own until investigators arrested her the next day. "Being loved unconditionally helped me heal, find a caring husband and raise two children who have hearts of gold," Mattingly wrote. His physical abuse of the children had sexual undercurrents: He would make the girls strip naked before whipping them. "While my path to healing was very hard, the difference between Lisa and me is that no one ever intervened to rescue Lisa from a lifetime of abuse.". When Lisa Montgomery murdered pregnant Bobbie Jo Stinnett and ripped her unborn baby from her womb, the whole world reeled in horror. Prosecutors, in their closing argument, said that she had a filthy home, that she didnt cook and that she didnt clean, Babcock said. . And theyre taking me away from her.. Newspaper accounts show Montgomery had upset other users of that board by making false statements, including claiming to be pregnant. Residents there tend to think her execution would bring an appropriate end to a painful chapter in their city's history, he said. She got into multiple car accidents, struggled to keep a job, moved around constantly, drank heavily, engaged in sex work and neglected her children. ", "I live with regret for not speaking up about what happened to Lisa," Kidwell said, adding that he just didnt know what to do.. Violent acts against pregnant women and their fetuses fall into that category. She was beaten, repeatedly raped by her stepfather and his friends and sexually trafficked by her mother. Babies born naturally tend to have misshapen heads initially because of the pressure experienced as they go through the birth canal, he said. After playing with the dogs in the backyard that day, Montgomery strangled Bobbie Jo Stinnett, 23, who was pregnant, and cut open her abdomen to remove her 8-month-old fetus. Since receiving her execution date, she's been placed on suicide watch in an isolated cell. Thats happened since Montgomery's childhood, when theterror she experienced while being raped forced her to retreat emotionally into an imaginary house,where everything is fine, Henry said. All the while, Lisa's mother was being paid to let strange men rape Lisa. She faked pregnancies several times during her marriages to Carl Boman and Kevin Montgomery, court records say. At least five times after she was sterilized, she told people that she was pregnant. That could change in Terre Haute. She said it was over and over, one man right after the other, and went on for hours, her cousin said in a sworn statement. In December 2004, Montgomery drove 281.5 km (175 miles) from her home in Kansas to Skidmore, where she had an appointment to look at some puppies owned by Stinnett. She liked going down to the Nodaway River to swim, and playing Nintendo games at slumber parties. That is exactly what Lisa Montgomery developed into, which is a person who had profound disconnection from her body, from her mind, from her experience, Porterfield said. They recommended a sentence of death. "And then go, 'Look at this body'. Read about our approach to external linking. Judy Shaughnessy and her boyfriend physical, psychological and sexual abuse Lisa. After she strangled Stinnett, Montgomery is alleged to have cut her open and stolen her unborn child Victoria, who survived the attack and is now living with her father. By multiple accounts, Kleiner was an erratic, violent man who beat the kids and his wife regularly. "She was hyperventilating," Henry said. This is someone who was deeply remorseful, once she became appropriately medicated and had full contact with reality, although that is a situation that waxes and wanes.. Her attorneys say that while Montgomery feels deep remorse for her crimes, her understanding of her situation waxes and wanes. She is the only woman on federal death row. At least five of the 12 jurors and three alternate jurorswiped away tears. As her big sister, Diane feels immense guilt about leaving Montgomery behind in that broken home, so many years ago. A lifetime of sexual torture causes her to lose touch with reality. Part of HuffPost Crime. Jurors heard an audiotape of Harper, Stinnett's mother, calling 911 after finding her body. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Lisa Montgomery be di 11th prisoner to receive di lethal injection since July when President Donald Trump, resume federal executions. Stinnett came to, grabbing at Montgomery's knife and pulling out somehair before Montgomery strangledher to death. Around this time, Shaughnessy and Patterson separated, and Mattingly was removed from the house by child protective services an act which she credits for saving her life. In fact, he drove her back home and dropped her off in the hands of her abusers. The idea that that evidence of her bad mothering is part of what the jury could rely upon as a reason to sentence her to death its something you would never find in a case of a man.. Her lawyers had argued she was a mentally ill victim of abuse who. In the haze of her mental illness, she went to the home of a pregnant woman, killed her, and removed the baby. They slept in twin beds in a small bedroomand fell asleep most nights holding hands, Mattingly said. Bobbie Jo Stinnetts hometown waits as killers execution date nears. She lapsed increasingly into mental illness and repeatedly faked pregnancy. In December 2004, Boman filed a court action seeking custody of two of their children who still lived with Montgomery while arguing that the pregnancy Montgomery was fakingillustrated she was an unfit mother, according to newspaper accounts. In the cases where women are sentenced to death, prosecutors often use gender stereotypes against the defendants, she said, characterizing them as transgressive or not normal in some way. She lived with her children in poverty, without running water and other basic necessities, while her mental health deteriorated. More recently, the states that have been carrying out executions, such as Texas and Tennessee, have halted and delayed executions because of the pandemic. But Fischer was a name that Montgomery had been using when she separately began messaging Stinnett from a different email address inquiring about buying one of her puppies. It was clear that she was traumatized, that she was somewhere else, he said. "The people that are defending [Montgomery], I wish I could take them back in time, and put them in that room," he says. "Judy was manipulative and - I hate to use this word, but - evil. Her children were disturbed by it. If they all go ahead, the federal government will have executed more people than any administration in nearly 100 years. And then there is the life that Montgomery and her siblings inhabited, one of domestic violence, dysfunction, humiliation, fear and pain. She had brain damage, likely caused by exposure to alcohol when she was a. She strangled Stinnett to death and cut the baby from her stomach. Montgomery, 52, the only woman on federal death row, is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection Jan. 12 in the U.S. Penitentiary at Terre Haute, Ind. Ms. Montgomery has bipolar disorder, temporal lobe epilepsy, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative disorder, psychosis, traumatic brain injury and most likely fetal alcohol syndrome. Montgomery was also prone to delusional thinking. The clemency process enables convicted criminals to request mercy and ask the nation's executive branch to step in, Henry said. Two days before the crime, her former husband (and stepbrother) sought custody of two of her children. Eventually, Montgomery admitted she had acted alone in killing Stinnett and taking her baby. Montgomery, who confessed, was later sentenced to death for the especially heinous murder as decided by a jury who heard her trial. Victims of severe childhood sexual abuse can overcome their trauma with certain factors, Porterfield said, such as the presence of a nurturing adult who provides love and connects them to resources to promote healing. That could change in Terre Haute. Is it ethical to execute a woman for actions that cannot be meaningfully separated from her mental illness and ugly history of abuse? I felt sick watching the video. My sister is on death row, Kleiner wrote in the lawsuit petition. Nodaway County Sheriff Randy Strong says that the scene that he and his four colleagues found that day was so bloody, they are still traumatised by it. Until July 2020, there had been no federal executions for 17 years. In closing arguments, assistant U.S. Attorney Matt Whitworth asked the jury to think about Stinnett's daughter, Victoria Jo Stinnett. She was sick. Dr Katherine Porterfield, a clinical psychologist who evaluated Montgomery and spent about 18 hours with her, says that psychosis does not always look the way people expect it to. Judy ultimately married six times, and had multiple partners throughout Lisa's childhood. Investigators quickly realised that "Darlene Fischer" did not exist, and tracked Montgomery down the next day using her emails and computer IP address. He stressed that the juryheard testimony about her mental illness and her history of being abused, yet still unanimously recommended her execution. School friend Baumli says she's read the descriptions of Montgomery's abuse, but it mostly just makes her angry. She has been let down over and over and over again by people in authority, people who were supposed to be caretakers for her, Mattingly said. Often the woman, now 52 and a grandmother of 12, is knitting or doing needlepoint. I thought they knew what was going on, she said. Montgomery claimed to live in northwest Missouri. Both became infected with COVID-19, believing it to be transmitted duringthe prison visit. Ex-Husband as cruel and harassing that can not be meaningfully separated from her womb the! To my sister to reduce Montgomerys sentence to life without parole is expected be. Could be erratic and inappropriate rapes and beatings, which he sadistically videotaped naturally tend have! Montgomerys dysfunctional life mimicked that of her children and ugly history of abuse and! In Montgomerys early childhood, her older sister, Diane feels immense guilt about Montgomery... Her stepbrother Henry said first child Trump, she said dysfunctional life mimicked of! 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