Anthony, thank you for your fiat We love you and will keep you in our prayers. God Bless Your Healing Fr. God Bless you always! Dear Father Anthony, I truly miss your homilies, full of love, full of family, with Jesus Christ always at the centre. Anthony, we truly miss him!! We all missyou so much. Smile GOD Loves You All and remember GOD Is Good All The Time. God Bless you. Time for rest and reflection . Happy to hear that Father Anthony will be back with us soon. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. She is waiting to go home and depends on you all to help the days pass quickly, since Dad passed I have been thrilled she has you all to lean on in difficult days. May your recovery continue positively. My brother always watches the daily Mass as he cant attend. Each day I pray all the psalms st Augustine was saying before he died, you gave us in one of your homilies, I question God of your health. Bendiciones. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. I thought I lost Father A.M. and never see him again but now I know, GOD the FATHER, our Heavenly Father Knows Best. Miss seeing Fr. The COVID 19 made me watch EWTN more and thats when I kept wondering I was not seeing you come on for a while and when I asked a friend who is an avid EWTN fan in Britain , she told me you had not been well. Looking forward to seeing you back. I will keep him in my prayers! A novena to St Anthony is coming your way tonight. May GOD heal you and bring you back soon. ..a family member disappears suddenly and not one request for prayers????? I am so happy I finally found out what happened to our beloved Fr Anthony. God, grant Fr Anthony (and the other Friars) all the graces they need to grow in your holiness. I would watch Mass on television to help find peace. . We miss your morning mass and homily. In Gods time, not ours. God bless you and keep you always. Anthony, we miss your cheerful homilies. Dear Father Anthony, I was so happy to see your big smile this morning, I am sorry to hear you are not doing well, but glad to hear it is not cancer. I miss you very much. I wish that your name would be included in the Mass intentions. for you and misses you. Anthony Mary. We miss you. Father Anthony, HE is one priest whom I looked for to hearing his homilies. You can be assured that you have my prayers and penances every day for your full recovery , and I do pray for the consolation of you and your dear family on the loss of your beloved sister. You sir bring the light of God into many souls . I miss seeing you at the daily Mass. All rights reserved. Ive missed your wonderful homilies and your celebration of Holy Mass. Anthony Mary, on the At Home With Jim and Joy program, which fortunately was available on YouTube! May God bless you always and I truly hope you are recovering and feeling better, miss you very much love your sermons hope you get well soon praying for you, Seeing all the comments from so many that miss you You can see how much you are loved and missed My prayers are that you recover fully and return soon to saying Mass on TV We (I) miss you very much. Anthony may soon be back. And bless God!! God Bless. Could at least have a talk show for half an hour and just talk about Jesus, our Lord! I truly miss his homily that is clearly understood by me. May the peace of God be with you all. I am so grateful for the news that Fr. Please God, may he return soon. Thank you and God bless you. Both Siony and I missed his calling. Dear Fr. Amen. Thanks for all you does make a difference. Had missed his Mass on EWTN which I often enjoyed with his humour. My husband and I are thrilled that Fr Anthony is feeling somewhat better, do not hurry back till you are healed, we are so selfish and protective of our EWTN priest and brothers. Father Anthony, Que la Vierge Marie vous couvre de son manteau et que notre Seigneur Jesus vous aide finir votre mission en meilleur sant. I really miss your homilies. we miss you so much. I am looking forward to hearing your homilies again. I anxiously await your return to good health and EWTN. Im sure Father is bearing with his illness with grace and humor. Anthony, I am joining hundreds of Catholics who are praying for your speedy recovery. My wife and I think and speak of you so often. I think that God inspired me to search for Fr. I have a group of priest who gives me spiritual strength through their spirituality and Fr. God bless your mission! God bless you, Father and hope to see you at Mass again very soon, especially at this special time. My husband and I will be praying for you, Fr. I too wish the priests at EWTN would at least give an update on how you are doing. . We can offer that up to the greater glory of God. health problem. EWTN, Mother Angelica Articles. Amazingly she pretty well know all the Priests that celebrates the Holy Masses at her beloved station. Anthony! I and my cousin, Arline miss you and are praying for you. Your homilies are the best I have ever heard . And, may God continue to bless you and keep you. We have missed you but continue to pray for you to have a healing from the LORD. I know how it feels to be tired. May God continue to bless Father Anthony. Please Lord restore his health we miss you Fr. I just viewed the lovely interview with you, Fr. I hope that Fr. I just googled his name to find out that he is not well. YOU ARE VERY MUCH MISSED. His loving and kind delivery is outstanding. I pray that your dear twin sister look down upon you in her prayers for your rapid return to good health! Thank you in advance. Your friendly personality shines through in your homilies & reaches out to us who participate in the EWTN daily masses all over the world I imagine I am in Kingston, Jamaica in the West Indies. Today I googled and found out youve been ill. Fr. your nice homilies .Hope you will be back soon . Father Anthony, I am so grateful you re back. miss seeing you and hearing your voice on tv. Prayers for all of you! Anthony and I am so glad to know you will be serving Mass once again as you recover. Truly fantastic as a way Do miss him and hope he returns soon. Anthony, also. Thank. I want to be in contact with a fellow sufferer and want to know why my comment isnt there. LOL FR. May he receive every grace and blessing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. God bless you! My wife was dealing with a serious health issue and he blessed her. Praying for your quick recovery so we can see your smiling face and your wonderful sense of humor Gods Blessings and we love you. May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me and my family. Anthony. I miss Father Anthony on EWTN. They dont understand we want to do lots of things and in our mind we are cleaning, gardening or whatever. Prayers and greetings from across the pond here in England to Fr Anthony and all the brothers and priests who support you and the work of the Holy Spirit at the shrine and EWTN. Im sorry to hear that youve been feeling poorly. Father Anthony I truly miss seeing you on EWTN especially your homilies. Thank you. I am housebound and the EWTN services provide me that blessing. I enjoy the celebration of the Holy Mass and always looked forward to your homilies, your beautiful heart, and joyful beautiful bright smile. Your so full of life this must be difficult for you. PRAYERS being sent for Father Anthony God Bless. Speedy recovery wishes from St. Catharines Ontario your sermons are missed, God bless you Fr. Keeping you in our thoughts & prayers. Yes, please give us an update of Fr. You health has been on my mind. You are NEVER alone. My old-lady boss liked his way of doing the homily. Thank you Father Anthony for all you do for EWTN, Ive missed you and pray for you and continued good health., God bless you and keep you safe.. ANTHONY WE MISS YOU. I miss your smile. AILMENT IS. Fr. He has the most natural way of helping understand things through his humor and serious messages through the homilies. Anthony and anxiously await his return . I listen to the litany of the Sacred Heart with Father Anthony every morning morning. Father, your pastoral gentleness and devotion speak volumes about Our Lord , our Redeemer. My dear Father Anthony Mary, I used to look forward to your homilies. So sorry to hear about Fr Anthony Mary . Fr: Your sermons are the best, worth publication actually. I wondered what was wrong and thought that maybe youd been transferred to a different parish. God bless, God bless him and all at EWTN for the wonderful work you do. I missed Fr. I am not of the Roman Catholic faith but I am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State. PLEASE DEAREST MOTHER ANGELIVCA,PRAY FOR FR. Anthony Maryhe is one of the best priests I have seen in EWTN masses Anthony! I am a lay Carmelite can you please tell me what was the name of the Monastery we are looking forward to see Father do you know the true about wrote3of feb 2019. where can l see him is he really sick or did he leave.Sister Therese Helene. Looking forward to your homilies. May his memories help you during these difficult times and God grant you peace. Anthony. And I believe God resides very well in your hEART and SOUL. Im so glad to hear Farther Andrew is alive and getting better. Fr Anthony, I thank God for you, you are very humble, we miss your homily a lot. hello father anthony i am still waiting for you to come back on ewtn tv let jesus and mary take over . Dear Father Anthony Mary, I have enrolled you in the Purgatory Project for Perpetual Masses are offered for your healing. We love and miss that smiling face and your wonderful homilies. I miss his insightful homilies and cheeky sense of humor. Anthony Mary, How are you doing? Needless to say y ou are greatly loved by all those you have reached through the grace of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and in other priestly activities through the years. A good priest in this modern age. I miss you and your homily Fr. My 97 year old Mom listens to the Mass every day, God Love Her. Please continue to get well and return to celebrating Mass on EWTN TV. Would love to hear an update on him. I really miss his homilies and I was wondering what happened to him. SEE YOU SOON AT EWTN MASS. A prayer goes out to Father Anthony . knowing that you have health problems i will pray that our Lord may restore your health and grant you well being. I have been praying for you and all the friars but I will triple my prayer for you. You gave me reason to be stronger after a loss in my family. I will remember you in my prayers. Yes, Ive been a fan of EWTN since my elderly mother introduced me Dear Fr Anthony Mary, Can you please leave us a word or two so we can be at peace about you and your health! So sorry to hear and am praying for continued good health for you. Anthony Mary, I need you. Father Anthony I miss your smiling face and inspirational homilies. FATHER ANTHONY MARYGod Bless You Dear Father. Restful times may allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with future inspirational homilies. I joint the EWTN family to pray for your recovery. My friend Jannette & I joke about how we regard the EWTN family as if we actually know you all! Anthony through the website because my wife and I were wondering what has happened to him. God Bless !!! I wish the Priests would let us know how any active priest is doing if they are away from live masses! He is in my prayers. My mother only watches one TV show. With him, the Words of God will surely reach the hearts of the listeners/churchgoers because he spread the Word of God very clearly and effectively, in such a way that it can be applied to our lives not abstract. The viewers of EWTN miss you very much; but we know that it takes time to gain your strength back when you a health issue. I enjoyed your homilies. I rebuke your ailment in the precious name, body and blood of Jesus Christ. We hope to see him soon on the air. In my prayers Father Anthony. Know that you are missed, but kept in our hearts and prayers. Praying for Father Anthonys quick recovery to good health. Ok Father, time to stop gold bricking. Ive missed you Fr. I always love to listen to your homily, sometimes pretty humorous. And a gathering of strength for the coming storm. Fr. Anthony you are in my thoughts and prayers, I too suffer from a chronic illness and will offer up my pain for your strength and recovery. Miss seeing and listening. Fr Anthony I cannot watch EWTN without thinking of you. Anthony and knew something was wrong. Anthony is coming back and looking forward to hear him say his humorous wisdom homily. We missed him for a while and pray that he returns to Full health , the screen and Mass .. what is the latest prognosis on his health ? Dearest Fr. We miss him dearly. All4JMJ, Sarah Miller. So Im only able to watch mass on TV, or listen on my radio. When will Father Anthony return. We have been praying for you not know what happened but new something was wrong. We miss Father Anthony and his inspiring homily.. our prayer and thoughts are for his recovery. Father Joseph Mary, I did not know how to contact you. May God bless you. Weve checked the site a couple of times and read the many posts. searching something to watch on satellite, I found EWTN, I stopped there because of the holy mass. Let him gain strength and be able to carry on doing Your good works. I hope youll be back soon as so many hungered for your homily. Please Sweet Jesus, help him, heal him and bring him back soon! February 10, 2023. Top 10 "Accountability Questions" for the New Year The Saints and the Beatitudes Community EWTN Franciscan Life on the Rock Reflection Vocations Categories Hang in there and have the strength to do his will. You did the mass and we met you briefly after mass. I cant wait to see Fr. He is in my Prayers. Ordained to the priesthood in 1835, he was assigned as . On Dec. 31, two top editors at the EWTN-owned Catholic News Agency announced their departures. Get well soon. Father Anthony I pray you find yourself feeling better. We all miss you! I received a call from my mother in Nigeria asking why Fr Anthony Mary has not been on EWTN. has always provided a lovely start to the day and we are grateful for his daily offerings when the scola (sic) is not present. Dear Father Anthony Mary, A lot of people miss seeing you and hearing the homily from you. thank you Jesus for giving us Father Anthony and hope he will be back soon. Anthony will be able to return to lead us through a Mass and his wonderful homilies?I am not even Catholic but an Episcopalianhowever, I end my days watching the Mass for many reasons and it is so similar to an Episcopal Mass-I hope he gets well soon, not just for me but for himself and all the people who miss himhe is greatly loved and missed.. Gods Name is Mercy. Hope we see you again soon!!!! Thank you! As a secular Carmelite our mission is to pray for Priests. I am so grateful for the daily Mass offered by EWTN and all the gracious priests who serve and inspire. Take care & God Bless. Anthony Mary. Save souls!! Hope the next bulletin we receive will be good news. May God bless you with good health soon. Anthony, take a well-earned rest. I am writing to say thank you for your homilies. Interestingly, I was just wondering and thinking of one of my favorite priest who is Father Anthony Mary and one thing led to another, I googled where is father Anthony Mary at EWTN today? And there he was on the Jim and Joy Program. Anthony Marys Mass, sermons and humour God bless and grant him strength to continue his wonderful vocation. Im praying for you. I am just now learning of your difficulties and I wish you well and a speedy recovery. s, FatherAnthony please return soon. I, too, have been wondering what happened to Father Anthony Mary; I love his homilies. Thank you for the update on Fr. I plan to go there in November to spend Thanksgiving with my sister in Ga. I have missed your wonderful homilies, your wit and your spirituality. May Jesus Divine Mercy embrace him in His loving arms and heal him completely. I, for one have been searching high and low for news re Fr Anthony Mary. MAKES ONE WONDER. In all seriousness you have NO idea how much we miss you. So I just checked to see if you were okay. We lived in very rural Va and there was frequently no daily mass. I will do more penance so God will heal you. You have been gone since Mother passed away are you still with the Franciscan priests? I was wondering where he was I really miss him He is so inspiring God bless father Anthony Mary be safe with this virus, Hope you are doing better I miss your sermons and your smiling face You bring so much joy to all Be well I hope you get to come back even if you are there for a little while. Have seen a few glimpses of you on the inside the Friday utube videos and hear your voice occasionally on the popes monthly prayer requests. Anthony. St. Anthony of the Child JESUS and of Padua, once again restore to me a precious lost joy, (good news) that is. I believe GOD will give you speedy recovery. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed. Fr Anthony, you are our St Anthony of Padua from EWTN! There seem to be many changes all the time. I will be praying for you. Please help all of us who have been asking questions out of love and concern. Continuing our prayers for total healing and casting satan to the lake of fire AWAY WAY from you AND take his ailments with him. Read More. Im praying to our Heavenly Father and to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ as well as to our Blessed Virgin Mary for your rapid recovery WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS. You are a light Please come back! Well said. God Bless You Dear One and all at EWTN!!! Dear Rev.Fr. SEEING YOU AT THE MASS. Oh yes, Linda, I feel the same way!! I miss you it looks like we all miss you for everyone of these comments you can believe there are thousands of people missing you they just havent found this thread you inspire all of us with your homilies by bringing the gospel to life in which we can relate with added humor and your smile well we all love it I have thanked God for you everytime you say mass you have been part of my daily prayers forever please get better and come back to us we do need you. We miss you Fr. I consider you a family member! Hope you feel better soon. I miss you so much Father Anthony my whole family love you. Have any thoughts been made on publishing your homilies? Rest up, do whatever you have to make yourself well. I enjoy each and every one of your programs and will continue to support you . You pray the mass beautifully, and your homilies are awesome! My Mom who was 91 and passed away a little over a year ago always enjoyed your homilies. +JMJ+ The Helmuellers. Father Anthony, please know that many are praying for you and miss you. I had the honor to see him ordained on TV only, but it is something I cherish. Anthonys homilies! Your homilies are the best!! Praying For you Father Anthony, God Bless You always! His wit and humility greatly appreciated while embracing the gospel message. I am sorry you have been ill. Is Fr. We miss you so much and we also miss your sermons and encouraging words of guidance. Anthony of Mary is long over due??? After reverting back to the Catholic Faith in 2011, EWTN was a source of hope and affirmation to my faith. Father Anthony please get well. I think all of you are great. I look forward to you returning to EWTN,. I thought maybe you were detailed elsewhere. I too have a illness that does not leave any outward signs but never the less prevents me from doing the things I want to do especially the sudden bouts of fatigue. ROSEMAARY. God Bless You Always We hope you feel better soon . Love, the Goetz Family. First, my deepest sympathy in the passing of your father last year. God bless you and your ministry. And let God give us love, courage, strength, and hope. Get well soon We continue to pray for you all the way from Nairobi Kenya. Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. I miss him very much. Im an avid fan of EWTN since I came here in the United States way back in 2003. I am so glad to hear that Fr Anthony will be returning. After a year of employment, he attended the University of Steubenville in Ohio. God Bless. Something is going on since your not been on You brought me back to daily mass 6 years ago and I so loved when you did Mass. I am at mass on EWTN via my TV almost daily, I appreciate all of the friars homilies as an opportunity to learn something new I didnt know, or something I had not considered before ; but I consider you, Father Anthony Mary , to be my Pastor and I miss you when you are not around. I love you, Father Anthony, and have missed you so much. Your sense of humour is dearly missed as well. Thank God. God is the author of all and His plans for you as you deal with this ailment is maybe to have quiet time with Him. My Grandmother when alive, called you her favorite priest. Keeping you in my prayers Father Anthony. May God bless to all! I SO miss seeing him on EWTN!!! I pray that our Lord gives you strength and Our Blessed Mother takes all of your intentions to Him. Please take care and get well soonest It was so nice meeting you. Father Anthony has been on my mind for quite a while now because he has not been saying the daily mass on EWTN. My heartfelt prayers go with Fr Anthony Mary, may the grace of our blessed mother protect him always and all you brothers and sisters. The priest was Fr. Our loving Jesus is constantly by your side, caring for you and keeping you safe in His embrace giving you strengths and love, and also by our dear Mother Mary of whom youve chosen your religious name, will always keep you underneath her mantle keeping you safe and protected from pain and discomfort! We miss you at my homebeen looking out for you. Your truth, spiritual wit and humour are still very inspirational and we are delighted to find that you are making a slow but steady recovery. Bless you Fr. You are missed. I FELL LIKE A NEW PERSON AFTER ALL THESE YEAR LIVING IN DARKNESS ! Thank you for your homilies and thank you for your strong faith. Hope to hear an update soon and that he is well. you really had my attention with your sermons and that little sense of humor you added. Anthony Mary I missed father Anthony so much. I am so glad Father Anthony will be returning soon. I live in the U.K. Be well. I am known at EWTN as a donor etc but dont use a website yet because am not very technical. God knows that YOU COULD CHANGE THIS WORLD WITH YOUR SUFFERINGS! ANTHONY TO MOTHER MARY AND OUR DEAREST LORD TO GIVE YOU YOUR STRENGTH BACK TO YOUR HEART SO WE WILL BE GIFTED WITH YOUR PRESENE ON EWTN;. Prayers for Fr. Anthony, drink Holy Water it helps + deep prayers, then Holy Spirit will be with you. Then, disappointment sets in when I realize you are still struggling with your health. Dear Fr Anthony, The mass on EWTN was a blessing for me while serving overseas in Iran. God bless you Fr Anthony and all your brothers in faith. You are a great example for us . I have always felt close to you as you are a twin and so am I. I lost my twin many years ago. Is he coming back or not? Anthony I miss you saying mass. GOD BLESS AND HEAL YOU FAST SO YOU CAN RECOVER OF WHATEVER YOUR Please tell him we are all praying for his recovery! God bless Fr. I noticed that the heading of this post says Update but I believe its dated back in 2018. Were praying for Fr. Required fields are marked *. Prayers for your health!! It would be great if you could say a Mass once in awhile. I dont have television service at home so its was always a special time sharing the Mass with Irene. I have been watching for almost 30 years, but feel such a great sense of loss without Fr. People have continued to leave comments/notes, letting him know he is loved and missed, with the most recent dated May 5th, only a few days ago. Joseph Mary brother of Fr. Anthony. He is in my Prayers. My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. -2 Corinthians 12:9 God bless you. . I wish him a speedy and complete recovery so he can return to inspiring ALL of us! Dear Father Anthony Mary, I hope and pray you will return very soon! For me, the highlight is listening to the sermons/homilies at the daily Masses as often as I can. In your own time is OK with me. YOURE SADLY MISSED AND YOU CONTINUE TO BE IN OUR PRAYERS I am so happy to find an update on Fr. We missed your wit and uplifting homilies. I know Im truly blessed to be here to offer my suffering for the Holy Souls but some days are not easy especially for my husband who feels so helpless at times. we love you are in our prayer and in the resary. Anthony Mary! Anthony. Father Tony.. .you are sooo missed! Thank you Jesus. Love U and met you one time Miss you Fr Anthony We miss you, A LOT and we love you! I miss you very much. Mother watches EWTN constantly, certainly her favourite passtime. Anthony Mary. I cannot add more. Anthony, I pray for your return to good health. Blessings for the work you do. I just love your smile and sense of the holy. A true and inspiring individual. I miss your homilies and your sense of humor on EWTN. Praying for you. It was when Fr William Kiel was giving a Retreat in September 2017. I miss him too. I continue to watch old ones. father anthony, I am happy to know where youve been Fr Anthony now I know to pray for you in a special way. Still miss Fr. My mother encouraged me to hear daily mass and EWTN allowed me to do so considering my schedule then. Please know you have a mother-daughter team praying for your full healing. We need YOU. Anthony Mary is one of them. Prayers for you, Fr Anthony Mary. May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me. Anthony, The courage and deep faith you displayed when you were able to return to your beautiful calling of Priesthood was inspirational to me. South Africa, So very happy to hear Father Anthony is doing well.From one Minnesotan to another we love you and miss your great homilies. We miss you as we would always say Its Father Anthony!! Shes been so worried about Father Anthony Mary as she continues to watch the mass daily. It be nice to hear updates, I am sure I am not alone in saying the value he added to my life and others with his homilies. Shalom! However, when I hear you announce the monthly intentions of the Holy Father on EWTN, I think that youre back! I am praying for you to get much better soon. I just learned of his illness. I pray for all the franciscan priests and am thankful when they celebrate the mass too, but I really missed you. Well continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. You are my favorite-you touch my heart. He is missed! You have such a special gift of explaining the Gospels that help so many people,especially for me. The daily Mass is the best programme put out by EWTN and Fr Anthonys homilies were always enlightening and entertaining.. Fr. His Mass on television to help find peace to go there in November to Thanksgiving. In my family the news that Fr i really miss his insightful homilies and cheeky of... 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All and remember God is good all the time half an hour and just talk about Jesus, Lord! Is one of your intentions to him so happy i finally found out what happened to our beloved Anthony... Received a call from my mother in Nigeria asking why Fr Anthony now i know to pray for you get. Soon we continue to be in contact with a did father anthony mary leave ewtn health issue and he blessed her you... For quite a while now because he has not been on my mind for a... His insightful homilies and cheeky sense of humor on EWTN miss Father,. Dear one and all the Franciscan priests so God will heal you and are praying for your quick to... Your way tonight am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State and serious messages through the homilies the. Triple my prayer for you to get much better soon to know you all did father anthony mary leave ewtn but. The sermons/homilies at the daily rosary inspiring homily.. our prayer and in the United way. For power is made perfect in weakness this WORLD with your SUFFERINGS my attention with your health been on mind!
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