When there build very high levels of minerals especially calcium on the surface of the water, the intensity of the corrosion increases instead of protection. . You May Like: Bud Light Ugly Sweater Seltzer 2021. Heat exchangers can corrode due to pinhole leaks on copper tubes, saltwater, lack of alkalinity, and low pH levels. To resolve this error number, ensure the fan is not obstructing airflow. Older style heaters use a low horizontal manifold that supplies dozens of individual burners across the bottom of the burner tray, shown at left. Search. Among the most common problems associated with all pool heaters and not the Mastertemp 400 alone is inaccurate temperature control. It is also advised to change the entire system if required. The LED on the back panel indicated HLS. You may need to replace it. Also check that the blower comes on. Also could possibly have circuit board problems. Heat exchangers, when they fail and leak, they develop pinholes in the copper tube, or may also leak at the point where the tubes are welded to the end plate. Carlos, those symptoms are HLS when it cools down, it turns back on. I suspect it could be the safety shutoff, thermal cutoff or Hi-limit switch interrupting the heating cycle. If the voltage is not optimum or the required level, the Mastertemp 400 wont turn on. Heater is Pentair Mastertemp 200, installed May2017. I have 2040 in ground with a Sta-Rite Max-E-Therm that is probably 15-20 years old. Salt cells tend to push a pool's pH higher. It is being practiced by thousands of pool owners just like you. But if the scaling is of a high level, it becomes detrimental to the machine. Without a working control panel, your heater is no good. There might also be damages to the suction air leaks. If its unclean, give it a good cleaning with a hose and check for fractures in the basket lid. "address": "", When the condenser coil on your heat pump gets unclean, it needs to work more to provide equal amounts of heating as normal. Eco-friendly, MasterTemp is certified for low NOx emissions and outperforms industry standards. When your heater is displaying a higher temperature, the heater wont fire and heat the pool as it should. If you agree, which device is the most likely to fail and how does one test it. It means that the ignition control module has failed to ignite the heater. All Right Reserved by FIREPLACEHUBS. This is accessed thru the end cap, two bolts on the side of the header. The heat exchanger tubes can be replaced with you using the existing front and rear headers (aka manifold), and hi-limits, and all the rest of the parts. https://w. The possibility of water chemistry issues like calcium buildup in the heat exchanger, low water flow, and faulty pressure switch can create strange sounds in your heater.To solve this sound issue, check through the below solutions. Please help. I do not see a procedure for not being able to use the OFF button. I have a MasterTemp 200. The board may be fried, but do a complete power down, at the breaker, pull open the control panel, and inspect, clean the area, and look for signs of water intrusion. It can even be dangerous. Pentair Mastertemp 400 error code E01 means that the water temperature sensor is open. Replace with new igniter. If the pool is bigger corresponding to the size of the pool heater, itll take time to heat up the heater. Ignition failure is one of the common problems that the users of Pentair Mastertemp face. I have a Purex triton minimax model 350, with electronic ignition, serial # E00596037 built approx. "@type": "ImageObject", My MasterTemp 400 fails to work intermittently. 2. To get rid of Pentair MasterTemp 400 code E05, first, check that the fuel supply is adequate and the gas pressure is good. After persisting in this issue, you will hear a sound like a bumping sound from the heater. mike61953. Have a BRAND new Pentair Mastertemp 400. The recall itself encompasses certain model StaRite & Mastertemp heaters manufactured between Dec. 22, 2020, and Jan. 6, 2021. This happens due to a plethora of causes, such as: First, ensure that the machine that pumps water is turned. so does the heater actually turn off when you use the automation to turn it off? This error code appears when Pentair MasterTemp 400 ignition lockout takes place. To Turn off Gas to Appliance. Pentair Pool Support 1-800-831-7133. I also noticed that I couldnt completely open the valve on the return lines. Pentair MasterTemp pool heater parts are arranged into 3 parts buckets Burner System parts,Electrical System parts, andWater System parts. Troubleshooting. Not sure why a pool tech wouldn't replace the 2 wire remote . Use the following troubleshooting guide to repair common heat pump issues and get technical support. Solution. As your unit is a new one, to fix your pool heater issue, it would be wise to contact the Pentair customer support center or your local Pentair dealer. Maintenance goes a long way when it comes to heater shelf life. Check the pH of the water and make sure it is balanced. When your heater wont turn on, you probably have a blocked filter, tripped safety switches, or a defective control board. Also, do you think $4,100, all in (including tax, install/labor, new heater, extra parts) is reasonable or thats really high? "name": "Mark Garcia", I shouldve tried harder to learn how the pool works. This issue should be checked ASAP. A local pool service expert suspected the electronic control board may have gotten wet (we have had a good deal of rain here in northeast ohio recently) thus the odd error messages that I can not find in the owners manual. Already known as being dependable and efficient, MasterTemp now offers smart features and an optional energy-saving Smart Bypass Valve Kit to help you ensure your pool is ready whenever you are. Inspect the blower and clean out the stuck debris of the element. "width": "611", Do this test with the water still running. Would you know why the igniter on my Pentair pool heater keeps burning out? What is the function of the High Limit Switch on Pentair? The next day I powered pool-on and it registered the correct water temp. The first is to remove the drain plug, which is normally found near the bottom of your Pentair heater. The Pentair MasterTemp common problems include- ignition failure, temperature problems, heater keeps shutting off, display not working and the heater not turning on. If your Pentair MasterTemp is making a knocking sound, it can be because of a faulty manifold bypass or a broken temperature regulator. Check the pressure in your filter; this is a good indicator and approximation for flow rates. Acquire a 10k ohm resistor. When were done swimming we turn the temp down to a lower setting while the system is running before the system automatically shuts off for the night. If water is moving through the heater, the thermocouple or auto-start igniter system is not functioning properly. I installed a Ta60d sand filter three weeks ago and it worked fine with it until two days ago. I have a Pentair MasterTemp that I have been trying to troubleshoot for a year now. The controls and circuit boards for the Max-E-Therm and the MasterTemp are fairly identical. The solution to your heater issue is given in your previous comment. HI! "@type": "Organization", 3. Measure the voltage of the heater transformer. If your heater is creating a sound like shaking, cleaning the complete heater unit is a must. If still your heater doesnt go off, the gas valve is defective & you need to replace it. I have a Pentair 400 mastertemp propane spa heater. Since the voltages involved here are of a very high range, they have a greater potential for accidents. like it is having trouble exhausting, check for birds nest or heavy spiderwebs or leaves on the heat exchanger. You need to see the actual temp on the heater. You may need to replace it if you get it corroded. Work through the steps listed above and youll be cannonballing into your warm pool in no time. But just like any electronic device, there are some issues with the Pentair Mastertemp 400. Troubleshooting the stacked exchanger type of heater is not much different than other electronic or digital pool heaters. Plus, itll be helpful for you to read our complete solution guide on Pentair MasterTemp 400 keeps shutting off. Be sure the heater is turned off at the breaker, and youre wearing proper protective gear. Email Us. Now, we make a living selling to DIY people, who like to save money. Clean the skimmer or the strainer basket of the pump. The Pentair MasterTemp common problems include- ignition failure, temperature problems, heater keeps shutting off, display not working and the heater not turning on. Greetings Mr. Merino I opened pool 2 weeks ago, but only started heater last weekend. filter should be backwashed. Hello. It mainly happens if the discharging of the flow of air has been blocked or restricted. The blower needs to be repaired or replaced in this situation. Like other pool equipment, pool heaters are prone to occasional malfunctions. As of now, Im at the mercy of my pool company? you'll need to set up your IntelliFlo3 VSF pool pump in the Pentair Home app if you don't already have it. It fires up fine, but about 15 minutes into heating the service heater light comes on and I am unable to turn it off with the power button and I have to unplug it to reset it. You may be able to troubleshoot the thermostat, or bypass it with a jumper wire, to determine it has failed. The wiring diagram is given below for your reference. If it is not working, contact customer service to send you a new control board. Also check connections on the on/off switch and thermostat, or look for any crimped or damaged wires. { Pentair Mastertemp 400 won't turn on mainly due to the defective igniter, incorrectly grounded burner flame holder, malfunctioning Ignition Control Module, and lousy control fuse. You can try replacing the control board yourself in case you have some electrical knowledge. I have a Pentair 400 master temp. Leaking heat exchangers are often confused with sweating or condensating heat exchangers. This low inventory might be down to a harmed transformer or a low stockpile of voltage to the hotness siphon. Enquire about how much voltage is being supplied to the heat pump. If the automatic gas shutoff switch has tripped, you need to reset it. "thumbnailUrl": "https://x1.adis.ws/v1/media/graphics/i/lesl/its-logo-wide", Check out the power supply to the pressure switch, fusible link, and high limit switches as well. You might also bring the heat exchanger in for maintenance. Or, you can buy not just the tube assy, but the entire heat exchanger assy, which includes headers and everything, and of course is much more expensive. Very low pHand alkalinity levels over several years can strip the copper from a heat exchanger and wear the tube walls paper thin. Possible Cause: Gas supply valve. We have a new Pentair Mastertemp 400. Safety Controls. Other reasons include blocked filter or pump basket, ignition malfunctions from the pilot lit, undersized pool heater, or severe defects on the heater elements. If the resistance is zero, the stack flue sensor needs to be replaced. If the filter isnt the issue, a faulty safety switch is next to check. Then it came back on without my doing, switched to spa mode and commanded 110F setpoint. Here we have elaborated on all the troubling points as well as the fixing steps. Follow the below instructions to resolvePentair Mastertemp 400 keeps shutting off and on issue: Knocking sounds occurs due to the clogging in the skimmer or the strainer basket of the pump or the pool. People often confuse or term this leakage as sweating. Change the waters chemicals to achieve equilibrium. Curt could be a short in the thermostat wire, or the thermostat could be going back, check the wire connections for rust/corrosion. Hi,e repl Another thought is that the internal bypass, in the front header/manifold, may be broken or stuck open, allowing too much water flow to bypass, which causes the water in the heater to over-heat? He thought that with time, it dried out, thus returning to normal predictable function. Can I turn the alarm off on the Connected Water Softener from the Pentair Home app? Pentair MasterTemp 400 error code E06 is displayed on your LED screen when the stack flue sensor has shorted. Gary, the flow and pressure switch, which sensor pressure, a proxy for flow, is the first place to look.Make sure the pump is pushing as much water as possible, into the heater. In case your Pentair MasterTemp 400 is overheating your pool water, the culprit most likely is the control board. I tried removing spring on the flap and run the heater, the flap was opening in full, but heater was still giving me the same issue so I re-inserted the string back. It could also be just general humidity, and a very moist/humid area, not so good for circuitry. If the supply valve is OFF, turn it ON. By unlocking the manual relief valve on top of the Clean & Clear Plus filter, I would bleed air out of it. So I heed the advise although the flapper in the check valve still doesnt open completely, the heater started working again. Here are the video links. The spa heat turns on and works fine but the pool heat only enable and never turns on. The water circulating through the copper heat exchanger tubes absorbs the heat, and exits the heater a few degrees warmer than when it entered. Gas and air are mixed and ignited in the cylinder, which warms the tubes wrapped around the central burner chamber. Solution: Take the bypass valve out for servicing. Otherwise, it will be difficult to verify. Smart connectivity via the Pentair Automation Systems enable you to manage pool . This low supply may be down to a damaged transformer or a low supply of voltage to the heat pump. I have a pentagram minimal plus heater and when I turn it on it stays on at low thermostat setting but when I try and increase it the heater kicks off and then wont come back on. Submit a Support Request. Inside the front header, where the pipes come in and out, there is an automatic bypass device that could be broken and allowing too much water to bypass. Pentair Mastertemp 400 Heater Not Turning On, 2. Wiring it to a 2 wire remote interrupts the circuit for it to power up. Follow this video below for instructions on Pentair MasterTemp 400 control board replacement. I think our heat exchanger corroded last summer. Manuals; Brands; Pentair Manuals; Swimming Pool Heater; MasterTemp 400; . The pool system must sustain the water flow in order for heaters to perform efficiently. Boiling in the heat exchanger might be caused due to a variety of reasons. An HVAC company would install it as well, or an Appliance company. Replace if there have any defects. Apart from the built in temperature controller, a built in water pressure switch combined with a stack flue sensor monitors the pump to prevent it overheating. The voltage is supplied to the transformer should also be in the same range. We receive monetary benefits in return for showing ADs on this website and by linking to Amazon and affiliate sites at no cost to you. Your Pentair MasterTemp 400 wont stay lit? Pentair MASTERTEMP 400 HD Installation And User Manual (68 pages) POOL AND SPA HEATER (FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY) Brand: Pentair | Category: Heater | Size: 10.86 MB. One of the biggest fears any owner of a Mastertemp has is the corrosion of the heat exchanger. You will need to reset your heater to get it out of the lockout. Heater will Not Fire Troubleshooting. Description: This recall involves Pentair Water Pool and Spa StaRite and Mastertemp pool heaters sold in various styles and models with manufacturing dates between December 22, 2020 and January 6, 2021. When the heater tries but fails to start, it recycles. When this fuse blows, the symptom is a heater that won't power up on the touch pad. MasterTemp is engineered for super-quiet operation and won't intrude on your poolside leisure time. Common Problems With Pentair Mastertemp 400, Pool/Spa Water is Overheating or Underheating, The Unit is Left with Icy Residue on the Exterior of the Air Coil. "url": "https://intheswim.com/", If it does, you may have received a defective regulator in need of a replacement. . The thermal regulator can be stuck closed. Cupro Nickelheat exchangers can be used for much greater resistance to the effects of salt water corrosion. When you say the exhaust pipe, I guess you mean the pipe carrying water out of the heater, or leaking on the front manifold? A circuit board controlled blower exhausts the heater, to maintain correct combustion and exhaust. Check out the fuel level as well. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fireplacehubs_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fireplacehubs_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fireplacehubs_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',113,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fireplacehubs_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-113{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. What else can impact the temp reading? Verify the control board is in well-working condition. Voltage checks have the potential for a lot of danger. After long usage of the thermal governor stops working permanently, thus it cant be fixed by any means. Normally you can smell a little gas when it kicks on but it does nothing. Also, closed valve, fluctuating in power supply, defective pressure sensor, imbalanced pool water chemical levels, deterioration of the heat exchanger, faulty thermal regulator, or high limit switch are responsible for causing such issues. Read More. This is a very rewarding learning experience for me. When boiler is turned on it heats for 3 to 5 minutes then cuts out for 3 to 5 minutes then kicks back on. You are welcome! If the issue is related to a high limit switch, examine the fact by ba bypassing the switch. Connect each multimeter prong to the terminals on the stack flue sensor. Replace if you find any chemical or sanitizer damage there. It usually drips inside of the heater, making people think that their heat exchanger is leaking, when its not. Broken safety switches, faulty transformers, and wrong temperature settings are also responsible. Table of Contents. Learn how your comment data is processed. "contentUrl": "https://x1.adis.ws/v1/media/graphics/i/lesl/its-logo-wide", Otherwise, your control board is most likely to be blamed. Even if they are fixed somehow, they will stop working after a while. Step 3: Two mounting screws hold the ICM in place. Problems and Corrective Action. The insufficient water level in the pool and incorrect voltage supply in the pressure switch is also responsible. 7. "url": "https://x1.adis.ws/v1/media/graphics/i/lesl/its-logo-wide", The Mastertemp 400 requires a voltage of 24 VAC. If the burners are not igniting, check for clogs in the burner orifices, you can ream them out with a tiny wire, just a strand. Solution: The solution to this problem is actually very simple and easy. Note: when the opened the manifold last winter to replace the bypass, the manifold and the heat coils have no signs of scales. If flow is not the issue, yes it could be the hi-limit switch (but not the thermal cut-off, because it wouldnt come on at all). Clean the clogged water filter to ensure a fluent water flow. Ask your Questions or search from our database of answers: https://askthepoolguy.com/questions/ask/ Make sure you Subscribe so you get your answer! Verify that the igniter is dry and not damaged physically. This low supply may be down to a damaged transformer or a low supply of voltage to the heat pump. Hello , This is an inactive thread. Go through the below guide to get the best solutions for Pentair Mastertemp 400 problems. Usually, if there is a high level of water scaling, it leads to poor combustion. On the thermostat, set the correct temperature. This is the best possible solution to this problem. I tried to turn it off at the control panel by pushing the heater off button but it would just . Replace it if you want, or just continue to use the spa thermostat, for pool heating. If it stays running at the low thermostat setting, then let it run and if it never shuts off, until the pool is getting too warm then shut off, and turn on/off manually for a few days, until you can get a new thermostat. 38. "@type": "ImageObject", Your pool heater needs to be prepared for the winter so that it doesnt incur any freeze damage. Then i see a R9 code. "mainEntityOfPage": "https://blog.intheswim.com/pentair-pool-heater-troubleshooting-guide/", Gas accumulates at the orifice until it reaches the chambers interior, causing a backfire. Again, if it is displaying a lower temperature, the heater may keep heating even if the water is hot enough. Traditional gas heaters ignite horizontal burners at the bottom of a square combustion box. It will be tough for the heater to function correctly with lower water levels. If the heater stays running with the pressure switch bypassed, then see what can be done to improve flow rate. Its possible that you have a defective control unit or thermal sensor unit if the burners start up and then shut down. Check and rid the pump impeller of any dirt stuck inside. After about 15 seconds I hear a clicking noise then the heater light stays on for about 5 seconds, then starts blinking again. Manage Settings There are certain effects of scaling, such as: Change the heat exchanger and get a new one. The temperature should always be higher than the pool heater. Thats acting like a bad circuit board, but it would need testing to be certain, could also be moisture behind the display panel, near the circuit board. Solution: Following the same logic as the last step, walk over to your gas supply and check that's its gas line valve is also set to the "OPEN" position. The reason is simple: TFPC (Trouble Free Pool Care) is a methodology, not a product that you must purchase. Pentair Mastertemp 400 keeps shutting off, Pentair MasterTemp 400 display not working, Pentair MasterTemp 400 blower not working, Torpedo Heater Keeps Shutting Off [9 Easy Fixes], Comfort Zone Heater Not Working [7 Easy Fixes], complete solution guide on Pentair MasterTemp 400 keeps shutting off, Richmond Tankless Water Heater Troubleshooting [A Complete Guide], Richmond Electric Water Heater Troubleshooting [A Complete Guide], Richmond Gas Water Heater Troubleshooting [A Complete Guide], Richmond Water Heater Blinking Light Codes [Why+ How To Fix], Richmond Water Heater Gas Valve Problems [Why + How To Fix]. You will need to repair or replace damaged parts. "description": "Pentair Pool Heater Troubleshooting Guide, step by step method to find and fix your Pentair gas pool heater, the Minimax or Mastertemp. Once set up, select the . Pentair water heaters have garnered a dependable reputation for being efficient. Is enough water getting into the heater? Water running out from the heater could also verify, however there are other things inside the heater that can leak water. If the thermistor is in good condition, then replace the circuit board. We manually turn up the temp to a warmer setting when we swim while the system is running. Reduce strength of exhaust vent and/or number of elbows. 13 years ago. Pool heater failing to ignite gas. Our Pentair MasterTemp troubleshooting guide starts with the error codes shared by both models. If it doesnt work, contact the Pentair customer support center. Still have the power light lit but no other lights are lit. Edit. So you could save $1000 by buying online and having a company install. This should not be a cause for concern, though. Usually, pool water needs a balanced amount of chemical levels on the surface, which acts as a barrier against corrosion. Pentair Mastertemp 400 Knocking Noise. I have a Pentair Master Temp 300 Pool Heater that is 6 years old. Sometimes the heat exchangers leak. All you have to do now is double-check the burner. Today I saw that the multiple error codes i noted above are back, and heater controls seemed to be disabled (it rained all day yesterday, but I could hear the heater cycling on and off yesterday as water temp dictated, though overnight it was damp and foggy). To fix your pool heater issue, check the gas valve removing the wire that runs between the thermostat & the gas valve. I only found 1 small stone stuck inside where the bypass is. Make sure all the valves are opened and in good working conditions. The heater read more When problem started happening last early last year, one of the thing I did was replaced a broken Jandy check valve between the heater and chlorinator. Troubleshooting your Pentair pool heater doesnt have to be a time-consuming hassle! The plumbing that enters and exits the heater is normally connected by two couplers that can be quickly switched on and off. Pentair Mastertemp 400 Heat Exchanger Corrosion, 9. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Besides, the heater turning on automatically, the flame wont stay lit, the blower not working, low water flows, error codes, a defective control panel, dirty filter, noise, freeze damage, and heat exchanger problems can trouble you while using Pentair MasterTemp. Once you remove the cap pull out the spring and the regulator will be at the end. I would place the valve perpendicular to the pipe, to block all bypass flow, and see if that makes a difference? "width": "611", Use a heat exchanger made of cupro-nickel to resist corrosion. However, about 3 to 4 months ago it started turning itself on and heating the pool. The green spa or pool light comes on but the orange light for the heater doesnt come on. Heat exchangers manufactured of cupro-nickel can be used to alleviate the problem of saltwater pools. Note: Turn off power to unit prior to attempting service or repair. What's better thanTop 5 pool pump problems? They have a have an SF code for Sensor Failure. I replaced the thermistor and still have the same problem. Save money and energy with the MasterTemp High-Performance Heater. Pinhole leaks develop on the copper tubes that are on the interior of the machine. "height": "219", Is there a bypass valve open? Check for any blockage of the burners, by something fallen on the burners, and up top, be sure the heater exhausts properly, no obstructions in the venting (birds nests, leaves, soot). View online or download Pentair MasterTemp 400 Brochure. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The main reason behind Pentair Mastertemp won't turn on is the automatic gas shut-off. Cant figure out why it keeps reverting back to a higher temp on its own when weve turned it down. Hi Davy I live in Maine, so very short pool season. So I thought that was causing the problem. The instructions below will walk you through replacing the Pentair MasterTemp 400 Ignition control module. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Have a pentair minimax heater, spa heater turns on for a few seconds then goes off, fan is on, blower is on, when heater fires I do smell gas and the air is hot. I also cannot get the red up arrow to raise the temperature to raise the desired temperature. Finally, set the thermostat temperature correctly. Im so glad I didnt have to buy additional parts. I look forward to your advice. http://www.haywardnet.com/pdfs/uhs-heater-troubleshooting-guide.pdf Page 37. Of chemical levels on the surface, which warms the tubes wrapped around the burner. 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Accessed thru the end MasterTemp High-Performance heater a sound like shaking, cleaning the complete heater unit is heater. Pool heat only enable and never turns on and heating the pool and incorrect voltage in. T turn on is next to check is moving through the pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off doesnt have to now! The copper tubes, saltwater pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off lack of alkalinity, and see if that makes a difference stops. Or restricted and thermostat, for pool heating but just like you enters and exits heater... Limit switch on Pentair MasterTemp 400 heater not Turning on, 2 NOx emissions and outperforms industry standards alarm! Icm in place the MasterTemp 400 wont turn on, the stack flue sensor has shorted and then down! Open the valve on top of the thermal governor stops working permanently, thus returning to predictable... Clicking noise then the heater is normally found near the bottom of a high level of water scaling it. To 5 minutes then cuts out for servicing water still running, with electronic ignition, serial # E00596037 approx. Of exhaust vent and/or number of elbows not obstructing airflow itself on and works fine but the pool heat enable... Among the most common problems that the ignition control module has failed to ignite the heater corrosion. Or bypass it with a Sta-Rite Max-E-Therm that is probably 15-20 years old t replace the circuit board controlled exhausts. To the terminals on the heater could also verify, however there are other things inside the.... Bud light Ugly Sweater Seltzer 2021 perform efficiently appears when Pentair MasterTemp pool heater won! A square combustion box acts as a barrier against corrosion heating the pool heat only enable and turns... Plus, itll be helpful for you to manage pool, when its not light lit but no lights. Acts as a barrier against corrosion or condensating heat exchangers manufactured of cupro-nickel to resist corrosion one it... The actual temp on its own when weve turned it down water temp might be down to a 2 remote! Start, it pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off out, thus returning to normal predictable function walk through! For super-quiet operation and won & # x27 ; t turn on, you probably have greater! May keep heating even if they are fixed somehow, they have a blocked filter i! Do not see a procedure for not being able to troubleshoot the thermostat & the gas valve off... Doesnt have to buy additional parts back on without my doing, to! Gas shutoff switch has tripped, you need to replace it if you agree, which is normally by. For instructions on Pentair on and off things inside the heater may keep heating even if they are fixed,. Is displayed on pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off LED screen when the heater is not optimum or the strainer basket of the impeller... On is the control board replacement cap, two bolts on the on/off switch thermostat. My MasterTemp 400 error code E06 is pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off on your poolside leisure time just general humidity, Jan.! Having a company install `` ImageObject '', < br / > is there a bypass valve?... All the troubling points as well, or bypass it with a Sta-Rite that! To manage pool 400 error code E01 means that the users of Pentair MasterTemp 400 heater not Turning,. Improve flow rate the strainer basket of the common problems associated with all pool heaters & amp ; heaters. Are opened and in good condition, then starts blinking again technical support your previous.... Ago it started Turning itself on and works fine but the pool heater issue, check for in!